- News & Announcements (all)
- Previous and upcoming TSO observations (Nikolov)
- Work strategy for FY2024 tasks (Espinoza, all).
- Instrument roundtable check-in (all)
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5min | News & Announcements |
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10min | Previous and upcoming TSO observations | Nikolay Nikolov presented past and upcoming TSO observations; All observations successfully went, but the status visit reports for some of them still need updates on their statuses Nestor Espinoza shows and discusses a tilt event that appear in new JWST data and makes the point that tilt events are still there. STScI has a webpage where tilt events are logged in addition to the telescope team that performs further analysis. Knicole Colon asks whether users should report tilt events if seen in their data. Nestor Espinoza replies that tilt event have a value for the TSO WG and likely community, yet there isn't a policy to collect such information. Users are encouraged to report tilt events related to TSO to the TSO WG and/or STScI. | |
25min | Work strategy for FY2024 tasks | Nestor Espinoza presents the list of tasks for FY24 and outlines that several of these tasks are underway with progress.
2. Pipeline Validation (Task 3.1)
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10min | Instrument roundtable check-in | SOSS: Nestor Espinoza mentions an implementation of a notebook for the community that will enable prediction of the trace location for SOSS. MIRI: Sarah Kendrew mentions work on characterization of MIRI background and analysis on existing data obtained prior/after science observations. NIRSpec: Nikolay Nikolov mentions requests by several users on the HelDesk and work on pipeline testing. He points out an issue with the pixel replacement step when used with the call command at stage 3, which currently executes but skipps. He has created a ticked for resolving it. NIRCam: Everett Schlawin mentions ongoing work on moving the location of NRC grismTS to enable a better mitigation of 1/f-noise. Brian Brooks discusses resolved issue about timing header keyword and INT_TIMES, which will be resolved with the new data reprocessing for MAST. |
Action items
- Nikolay Nikolov and Nestor Espinoza should write a document that lists obvious tests that need to be included in the Pipeline Validation project and present at upcoming TSO WG meetings