
Slides & Recording

Slides: Please contact the TSO CT Leads (Nestor Espinoza, Munazza Alam, Aarynn Carter) for a link to the slides.

Meeting recording: 



Discussion items



News & Announcements

Previous and Upcoming Observations

  • Aarynn Carter introduces previous and upcoming — no issues with most of these observations.
  • Aarynn Carter did discuss some TTRB highlights (confidential discussion, so not sharing details here). From this, however, some discussion ensued:
    • There might be a need to have general documentation in JDOX for accepted programs, that might include:
      • Being aware that anything in the PDF of the proposal will not translate to the APT (e.g., special requirements, complementary observations, etc.).
      • General checks to be made to prepare for Long Range Planning (LRP) — and the cadence at which it changes (e.g., ~few weeks).
    • Hannah Diamond-Lowe asks how prioritization gets done — if people say they will get observations via other observatories, how do they "add" that to the APT?
      • Aarynn Carter notes that there's, first of all, an item in the PDF proposal to ask for this. 
      • He also notes that this has to be done well in advance to flag if this is a possibility at all for the LPR.
      • Munazza Alam notes this has happened before on which people want to add observations around a given planned window.
      • Nestor Espinoza wonders whether there are layers of prioritization — will reach out to Jeff Valenti 

Task setting accross instruments
  • Had meeting with NIRSpec, NIRCam and MIRI groups for TSO tasks
    • MIRI team are beginning to write their tickets soon — meeting today to discuss this.
    • NIRCam meeting with TSO CT Leads on Thursday to help define tickets.

MULTISTRIPE configuration updatesJohn Stansberry 

John Stansberry introduces questions people had about the microcode parameters of the MULTISTRIPE — which happened after discussion with Goddard people (ie, some experiments that wanted to be done couldn't!):

    • The reads1, reads2, skips1 and skips2 parameters are well understood.
    • The fsync and interleave parameters are the ones on which there was misunderstanding — they are not independant, and this involves only 3 allowed configurations instead of 4 (see John's slides).

  • In essence, this means that you cannot do a reads1 and then re-read with reads2 on the same location, as was planned for the LW. To stay on the same location you need to interleave a reads1 read:

    • If you do reads2 = 40 rows, and you do reads1 = 4, this is a 4/40 = 10% hit to the duty cycle.
    • If you do reads1 = 1 — this is only a 1/40 hit.
    • Achrene Dyrek asks how to choose this — John Stansberry mentions this is exactly the question.
  • Everett Schlawin mentioned that if this is a question of removing the pedestal, he has done experiments on real data on which on NIRCam you can remove this quite nicely using sky background only — so would be tempted to say reads1 = 1.
  • John Stansberry also asks on the benefit of doing this on the SW:
    • Unclear in general if this could help.

    • Aarynn Carter asks whether these can be offsync? John Stansberry says it can. 
    • Unclear what this will do to saturation limits, because reads1 and read2 are done without resets. So you keep exposing even while reading reference pixels.

    • Nestor Espinoza notes there might be a different challenge to remove the pedestal on the SW — so actually configuration 3 might be useful for SW if the pedestal changes shape in the full frame (less of a challenge for LW because your substripe is smaller).

Some conclusions/food for thought:

  • It seems these changes don't impact the data volumes that much nor the bright limits.

  • For LW, reads1 being small makes sense as they mostly will help with pedestal, that might be able to be extracted from sky pixels anyways (modulo Nestor Espinoza's comment on whether MULTISTRIPE adds any other source of pedestal with each read).

  • For SW, it might pay to test whether interleaved reads1 and reads2 could help with pedestals, considering the fact that there are not a lot of sky pixels on DHS both due to the spectra and possible contaminants on each stripe. 

Closing remarks
  • We deferred discussion on calibration for DHS by Achrene Dyrek to the next meeting on November 13th.

Action items
