
Slides & Recording

Slides: Please contact the TSO CT Leads (Nestor Espinoza, Munazza Alam, Aarynn Carter) for a link to the slides.

Meeting slides:  



  • News & Announcements

Discussion items



News & Announcementsall 
  • none!
10 minPrevious & upcoming TSO observationsCarter
  • 5 TSOs since the last meeting, including transiting exoplanets and 2 non-transiting TSOs
  • no TTRB highlights this time  
30 min TSO long-term plans for the JWST pipelineall
  • motivation: we've hit the 3 year JWST mark, what do we want for the 5 year mark?
    • what is the status of the pipeline for TSO science?
    • what changes to make to support the science community
  • Nestor's impression of the status of the pipeline for TSO science:
    • stage 3 is almost never used for science (some users may use it as a Quick Look)
    • stage 2 imaging: flat fielding and photom steps of interest for stellar properties in MIRI photometry
    • stage 2 spectroscopy: assign wcs is used for getting the wavelength solution (and then most pipelines move on to their own custom steps)
      • the other steps are only used for absolute spectroscopy 
      • pipeline also uses a box extraction, with the exception of NIRISS SOSS (and also the pipeline does not do optimal extraction!)
        • Munazza: addressing resampling for NIRSpec is in the works at the moment
        • Everett: box extraction seems ok for NIRCam for now
        • Hannah: optimal vs. box doesn't make a real difference
        • Achrene: most folks prefer to fit a Gaussian for the trace fitting (and also use custom bkg subtraction methods)
    • stage 1: most people blindly trust this stage up to the refpix steps, mixed use of dark current step, some people also turn off saturation or super bias
      • lots of instances where the jump step threshold is increased 
      • people are afraid to use this step for data with short ramps
      • maybe we need to add in a spatial outlier correction step (especially for datasets with short ramps)
      • clean flicker bias has not been thoroughly tested for different TSO modes (Aarynn notes that it doesn't work well for SOSS bc it doesn't pull out 1/f noise well (too convolved with the background)
        • but we should be using this and improving it!!
      • ramp fitting most ppl blindly trust this, but there are critiques in the literature 
  • Hannah: we should also make sure that tables in JDox are correct (we noticed that is not the case in terms of which steps are turned on by default and which are checked in the tables)
  • Loic: interpolation of bad pixels could be useful (even for bad pixels changing in time)
  • Hannah: doing stages 1 & 2 for data sets with many segments can affect the data in, for example, the jump step
  • Achrene: we don't understand noise propagation through pipeline steps (and error estimates are not consistent across different pipelines)
  • Aarynn:  we need a way for the pipeline to do cross-segment steps like the jump step or background subtraction (maybe this can be an option in the pipeline - to either do run all of the segments together OR re-structure the segment) 
  • feedback from John:
    • it would be helpful to have a brief summary of what the pipeline currently does for TSO data. If experts in this group typically start with a low-level product (e.g. _rate_ints.fits) rather than higher-level ones and perform custom reductions, that would also be useful to have summarized.
    • We are starting discussions with DMS about processing for the DHS spectral data, and will need to advise them of what this group wants. Right now the discussions are focused on how to format the _uncal data, but that will be done soon.
    • we need to know what calibration reference files people are using, and the precision needed for those. In particular, darks will need to be collected for all DHS subarray configurations if people are using the dark reference files for TSO processing.
5 minBrief update on the notebook sprint Carter
  • sprint will be in April! 
    • there is no time that works for everyone unfortunately
    • Achrene will likely be unavailable, so we need to think about how to organize NIRCam work around her availability  
5 minClosing remarks
  • SOSS: Aarynn working on jump detection TR, multi stripe implementation for SOSS in the works
  • NIRSpec: BOTS notebook on hold, linearity TR is shaping up, we'll maybe have an intern working on additional linearity work slightly smiling face 
  • MIRI: realized that MIRI doesn't have a tso specific exposure type, so working on sorting that (discussions happening now), slit TSO calibration obs scheduled for April 
  • NIRCam: discussions with DMS underway for C4 calibration programs, need to figure out which DHS subarray configurations are the most common & get cal data for that so that we can provide a good dark correction for C4 observers

Action items

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