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With the successful launch of JWST, the "Galaxy Slice and Dice" research group is looking for graduate students to work on galaxy and cosmology-related projects.   We are looking for up to 2 students to work primarily with Susan Kassin, an AURA Associate Astronomer with tenure at Space Telescope, and 1 student to work primarily with Camilla Pacifici, a CSA Astronomer at Space Telescope.  Susan and Camilla have been close collaborators for nearly a decade, working on JWST preparatory science.   Our group is composed primarily observers, but we work closely with theorists such as JHU postdoc Charlotte Welker.  

We have a successful JWST Cycle 1 program that will obtain the deepest spectra of high redshift galaxies with the $10 billion telescope, program 2123: "A Pathfinder for JWST Spectroscopy: Deep High Spectral Resolution Maps of Galaxies over 1<z<6."  We sincerely hope that these data will lead to ground-breaking results on how galaxies evolve over time, and in particular about the complex and violent activities of the era first few generations of galaxies in the Universe.  And we hope the data will also come with some interesting surprises that will challenge our understanding of the physical processes in the nascent Universe.  Our project will be the first to create spectral maps of galaxies using a new technique that we developed.  Here is a good introductory video on this general subject area.  JHU grad student Alexander de la Vega recently gave a talk summarizing the program.
