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titleNancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

titleRoman Space Telescope

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Learn more about the Roman Space Telescope spacecraft with this short tour of the main systems.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Music: “Phenomenon" from Above and Below Written and produced by Lars Leonhard

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Still frame of spacecraft animation

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Still frame of spacecraft animation

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Still frame of spacecraft animation

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Still frame of spacecraft animation

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Still frame of spacecraft animation

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Still frame of spacecraft animation

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Stylized still frame of spacecraft animation

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Stylized still frame of spacecraft animation

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Stylized still frame of spacecraft animation and name

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage1.8 MBJPGRoman_Title_1

Still frame of spacecraft animation

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage38.3 KBJPGTurntableWithBarrelRollA_4k.00738_print

"Beauty pass" animation of the Roman Space Telescope spacecraft

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterVideo45.4 MBMP4Roman_Space_Telescope_Beauty1_1080

"Beauty pass" animation of the Roman Space Telescope spacecraft

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterVideo45.5 MBMP4Roman_Space_Telescope_Beauty2_1080

Welcome to NASA's upcoming infrared survey mission, taking a wider view of the cosmos.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterVideo281.5 MBMP4Roman_Space_Telescope_Trailer_Best_1080

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The Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror reflects an American flag. Its surface is figured to a level hundreds of times finer than a typical household mirror.

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Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will provide clues to help solve some of the greatest mysteries of astrophysics! It will survey planets by the thousands, galaxies by the millions, and stars by the billions, and help answer some of astronomy’s biggest questions. 

It will also provide evidence needed to help answer some of astronomy’s biggest questions, such as, “What is the nature of dark energy?” and “What is the large-scale structure of the universe?” It may even help answer questions astronomers don’t yet know to ask!

llustration: J. Kang/STScIImage560.1 KBJPGpost_02pm10

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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror, which will collect and focus light from cosmic objects near and far, has been completed. Using this mirror, Roman will capture stunning space vistas with a field of view 100 times greater than Hubble images.

L3Harris TechnologiesImage1.7 MBJPG

Telescope is like a detective whose work will answer many questions—but spawn even more! As a survey telescope in space, Roman will be a pathfinder. It will answer one set of questions, but its work will lead to a whole new set of questions to be answered by the next generations of telescopes!

llustration: J. Kang/STScIImage611.1 KBJPGpost_06pm2_1

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Crane operators lower the support equipment to move the Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror . Using this mirror, Roman will provide a new view into the universe, helping scientists solve cosmic mysteries related to dark matter, dark energy, and planets around other starsreflects an American flag. Its surface is figured to a level hundreds of times finer than a typical household mirror.

L3Harris TechnologiesImage43.7 KB9 MBJPGpm3pm10

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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror, which will collect and focus light from cosmic objects near and far, has been completed. Using this mirror, Roman will capture stunning space vistas with a field of view 100 times greater than Hubble images.

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Members of the Roman Space Telescope team pose with the telescope’s primary mirror at L3 Harris Technologies in Rochester, New York. The telescope just passed a key milestone review, permitting the team to move on to finalizing the telescope design.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage4 MBPNGWFIRSTNASAPhoto

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Crane operators lower the support equipment to move the Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror. Using this mirror, Roman will provide a new view into the universe, helping scientists solve cosmic mysteries related to dark matter, dark energy, and planets around other stars.

L3Harris TechnologiesImage43.7 KBJPGpm3

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This photo shows the setup for space environment testing of the engineering development unit for Roman’s Solar Array Sun Shield, which will serve two purposes. First, it will supply electrical power to the observatory. Second, it will shield the Optical Telescope Assembly, the Wide Field Instrument, and the Coronagraph Instrument from sunlight.

NASA/Chris GunnImage133.2KBJPGromamsassjpg_1

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Members of the Roman Space Telescope team pose with the telescope’s primary mirror at L3 Harris Technologies in Rochester, New York. The telescope just passed a key milestone review, permitting the team to move on to finalizing the telescope design.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage4 MBPNGWFIRSTNASAPhoto

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This photo shows the setup for space environment testing of the engineering development unit for Roman’s Solar Array Sun Shield, which will serve two purposes. First, it will supply electrical power to the observatory. Second, it will shield the Optical Telescope Assembly, the Wide Field Instrument, and the Coronagraph Instrument from sunlight

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This photo shows 18 of Roman's detectors mounted in an engineering test unit of the mission's focal plane array. The focal plane array will be incorporated into Roman's Wide Field Instrument – a 300-megapixel camera that will capture enormous images of the cosmos.

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This photo shows 18 of Roman's detectors mounted in an engineering test unit of the mission's focal plane array. The focal plane array will be incorporated into Roman's Wide Field Instrument – a 300-megapixel camera that will capture enormous images of the cosmos.

NASA/Chris GunnImage113 KBJPEGromandet-1681946

Greg Mosby holds one of Roman’s detectors (left) and an entire cell phone camera (right) for size comparison. The best modern cell phone cameras can provide around 12-megapixel images, while each of Roman’s detectors contains 16 megapixels. Since Roman’s camera contains 18 detectors, it will capture 300-megapixel panoramas. The mission will conduct sweeping cosmic surveys with the same sharp resolution that the Hubble Space Telescope provides.

NASA/Chris GunnImage92.4 KBJPGRoman-detector-phone-camera

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Mosaic Plate has 18 detectors, each no larger than a sticky note, that together will capture the widest views of the universe ever taken from space. With these detectors, Roman will take 300-megapixel images of the universe (the average smartphone is around 12 megapixels for comparison. This will allow astronomers to explore a vast array of celestial objects and phenomena, like galaxies, exoplanets, dark matter, and many more.

Credit: NASA/Chris GunnImage746.1 KBJPEGRoman-detectors-mosaic-plate-assembly_1

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Mosaic Plate has 18 detectors, each no larger than a sticky note, that together will capture the widest views of the universe ever taken from space. With these detectors, Roman will take 300-megapixel images of the universe (the average smartphone is around 12 megapixels for comparison. This will allow astronomers to explore a vast array of celestial objects and phenomena, like galaxies, exoplanets, dark matter, and many more.

Credit: NASA/Chris GunnImage461.1 KBJPEGRoman-detectors-mosaic-plate-assembly_3

L3Harris Technologies has completed the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's Primary Mirror Assembly (PMA) test and build.  
The PMA includes Roman's primary mirror and support structure. The mirror is 7.9 feet (2.41 meters) in diameter, the same size as The Hubble Space Telescope  mirror, but only one-fourth its weight, coming in at over 400 pounds (181.4 kg)! The mirror will collect light from the cosmos and send it to Roman's Wide Field Instrument and Coronagraph technology demonstration, helping scientists do things like map the structure and distribution of invisible dark matter, study planetary systems around other stars, and explore how the universe evolved to its present state.

Credit: NASA/Chris GunnImage3.4 MBJPGRoman_PMA_1

L3Harris Technologies has completed the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's Primary Mirror Assembly (PMA) test and build.  
The PMA includes Roman's primary mirror and support structure. The mirror is 7.9 feet (2.41 meters) in diameter, the same size as The Hubble Space Telescope  mirror, but only one-fourth its weight, coming in at over 400 pounds (181.4 kg). The mirror will collect light from the cosmos and send it to Roman's Wide Field Instrument and Coronagraph technology demonstration, helping scientists do things like map the structure and distribution of invisible dark matter, study planetary systems around other stars, and explore how the universe evolved to its present state.

Credit: NASA/Chris GunnImage5.6 MBJPGRoman_PMA_2

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's secondary mirror is being integrated into the flight hardware. Roughly four times smaller than Roman’s primary mirror, the secondary mirror is just 22 inches across (55.9 cm or about the size of a large tire). It’s a critical part of the forward structure assembly, which also includes the support structure. Roman's secondary mirror further focuses the light from the primary mirror and is the last optic before the light beam is split between the two channels for the Wide Field Instrument and the Coronagraph Instrument.  

Credit: NASA/Chris GunnImage894.9 KBJPGRoman_Secondary_mirror_1

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's secondary mirror is being integrated into the flight hardware. Roughly four times smaller than Roman’s primary mirror, the secondary mirror is just 22 inches across (55.9 cm or about the size of a large tire). It’s a critical part of the forward structure assembly, which also includes the support structure. Roman's secondary mirror further focuses the light from the primary mirror and is the last optic before the light beam is split between the two channels for the Wide Field Instrument and the Coronagraph Instrument.  

Credit: NASA/Chris GunnImage

titleWide Field Instrument (WFI)

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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a next-generation space telescope that will survey the infrared universe from beyond the orbit of the Moon. The spacecraft's giant camera, the Wide Field Instrument (WFI), will be fundamental to this exploration. The WFI features the same angular resolution as Hubble but with 100 times the field of view. Data it gathers will enable scientists to discover new and uniquely detailed information about planetary systems around other stars. The WFI will also map how matter is structured and distributed throughout the cosmos, which should ultimately allow scientists to discover the fate of the universe. Watch this video to see a simplified version of how it works.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

Music" "Horizon Ahead" from Killer Tracks

Video269.5 MBMP413235_WFI_Roman_Best_1080

4k animation of the telescope and Wide Field Instrument, showing a simplified exploded view of how it works.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/CI LabVideo384.5 MBMP4GSFC_20190626_WFIRST_m13235_widefield_Animation

Animated GIF of the Roman Wide Field Instrument.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterAnimation1.8 MBGIFWFIRST_WideFieldInstrument

titleCoronagraph Instrument (CGI)

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Watch this video to learn more about the Roman Space Telescope's coronagraph instrument, – a system of masks, prisms, detectors, and even self-flexing mirrors built to block out the glare from distant stars and reveal planets in orbit around them.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Music: "Concept of Motion" from Universe Production Music

Video96.8 MBMP413325_Roman_CGI_1080


titleBig Data and Archive

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This infographic showcases the difference in data volume between the Nancy Grace Roman, Webb and Hubble space telescopes. Each day, Roman will send over 500 times more data back to Earth than Hubble.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage38.9 MBPNGRoman_Data_Scale_Final

This infographic showcases the difference in data volume between the Nancy Grace Roman and Hubble space telescopes. Each day, Roman will send over 500 times more data back to Earth than Hubble.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage39.3 MBPNGRoman_Data_Scale_HubbleOnly_Final

This infographic showcases the difference in data volume between the Nancy Grace Roman and Hubble space telescopes, using hard drives to symbolize data volume.  Each day, Roman will send over 500 times more data back to Earth than Hubble.  This version gives the time baseline by which these archival data are collected (30 years for Hubble, 5 years for Roman).

Z. Levy (STScI)Image1.7 MBJPGBig Data - with time

Box Live Link

Roman Overview Presentation

This infographic showcases the difference in data volume between the Nancy Grace Roman and Hubble space telescopes, using hard drives to symbolize data volume.  Each day, Roman will send over 500 times more data back to Earth than Hubble.  This version leaves off the time baseline by which these archival data are collected (30 years for Hubble, 5 years for Roman).

Z. Levy (STScI)Image1.6 MBJPGBig Data

Roman Overview Presentation

This simulated image illustrates the wide range of science enabled by Roman's extremely wide field of view and exquisite resolution. The yellow squares, which all contain background imagery simulated using data from Hubble’s Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey (CANDELS) program, outline the area Roman can capture in a single observation. A blue square shows the field of view of Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 for comparison. While the CANDELS program took Hubble nearly 21 days to survey in near-infrared light, Roman’s large field of view and higher efficiency would allow it to survey the same area in less than half an hour. Top left: This view illustrates a region of the large nearby spiral galaxy M83. Top right: A hypothetical distant dwarf galaxy appears in this magnified view, demonstrating Roman’s ability to detect small, faint galaxies at large distances. Bottom left: This magnified view illustrates how Roman will be able to resolve bright stars even in the dense cores of globular star clusters. Bottom right: A zoom of the CANDELS-based background shows the density of high-redshift galaxies Roman will detect.

Benjamin Williams, David Weinberg, Anil Seth, Eric Bell, Dave Sand, Dominic Benford, and the WINGS Science Investigation Team

Image Composition: Z. Levy (STScI)

Image8.5 MBJPGRoman - Simulated View

Roman Overview Presentation

This simulated image illustrates the wide range of science enabled by Roman's extremely wide field of view and exquisite resolution. The purple squares, which all contain background imagery simulated using data from Hubble’s Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey (CANDELS) program, outline the area Roman can capture in a single observation. An orange square shows the field of view of Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 for comparison. While the CANDELS program took Hubble nearly 21 days to survey in near-infrared light, Roman’s large field of view and higher efficiency would allow it to survey the same area in less than half an hour. Top left: This view illustrates a region of the large nearby spiral galaxy M83. Top right: A hypothetical distant dwarf galaxy appears in this magnified view, demonstrating Roman’s ability to detect small, faint galaxies at large distances. Bottom left: This magnified view illustrates how Roman will be able to resolve bright stars even in the dense cores of globular star clusters. Bottom right: A zoom of the CANDELS-based background shows the density of high-redshift galaxies Roman will detect.

Benjamin Williams, David Weinberg, Anil Seth, Eric Bell, Dave Sand, Dominic Benford, and the WINGS Science Investigation TeamImage

This simulated image illustrates the wide range of science enabled by Roman's extremely wide field of view and exquisite resolution. The purple squares, which all contain background imagery simulated using data from Hubble’s Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey (CANDELS) program, outline the area Roman can capture in a single observation. An orange square shows the field of view of Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 for comparison. While the CANDELS program took Hubble nearly 21 days to survey in near-infrared light, Roman’s large field of view and higher efficiency would allow it to survey the same area in less than half an hour. Top left: This view illustrates a region of the large nearby spiral galaxy M83. Top right: A hypothetical distant dwarf galaxy appears in this magnified view, demonstrating Roman’s ability to detect small, faint galaxies at large distances. Bottom left: This magnified view illustrates how Roman will be able to resolve bright stars even in the dense cores of globular star clusters. Bottom right: A zoom of the CANDELS-based background shows the density of high-redshift galaxies Roman will detect.

Benjamin Williams, David Weinberg, Anil Seth, Eric Bell, Dave Sand, Dominic Benford, and the WINGS Science Investigation TeamImage

This simulated image illustrates the wide range of science enabled by Roman's extremely wide field of view and exquisite resolution. The purple squares, which all contain background imagery simulated using data from Hubble’s Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey (CANDELS) program, outline the area Roman can capture in a single observation. An orange square shows the field of view of Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 for comparison. While the CANDELS program took Hubble nearly 21 days to survey in near-infrared light, Roman’s large field of view and higher efficiency would allow it to survey the same area in less than half an hour. Top left: This view illustrates a region of the large nearby spiral galaxy M83. Top right: A hypothetical distant dwarf galaxy appears in this magnified view, demonstrating Roman’s ability to detect small, faint galaxies at large distances. Bottom left: This magnified view illustrates how Roman will be able to resolve bright stars even in the dense cores of globular star clusters. Bottom right: A zoom of the CANDELS-based background shows the density of high-redshift galaxies Roman will detect.

Benjamin Williams, David Weinberg, Anil Seth, Eric Bell, Dave Sand, Dominic Benford, and the WINGS Science Investigation TeamImage

This simulated image illustrates the wide range of science enabled by Roman's extremely wide field of view and exquisite resolution. The purple squares, which all contain background imagery simulated using data from Hubble’s Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Survey (CANDELS) program, outline the area Roman can capture in a single observation. An orange square shows the field of view of Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 for comparison. While the CANDELS program took Hubble nearly 21 days to survey in near-infrared light, Roman’s large field of view and higher efficiency would allow it to survey the same area in less than half an hour. Top left: This view illustrates a region of the large nearby spiral galaxy M83. Top right: A hypothetical distant dwarf galaxy appears in this magnified view, demonstrating Roman’s ability to detect small, faint galaxies at large distances. Bottom left: This magnified view illustrates how Roman will be able to resolve bright stars even in the dense cores of globular star clusters. Bottom right: A zoom of the CANDELS-based background shows the density of high-redshift galaxies Roman will detect.

Benjamin Williams, David Weinberg, Anil Seth, Eric Bell, Dave Sand, Dominic Benford, and the WINGS Science Investigation TeamImage

This illustration compares the relative sizes of the areas of sky covered by two surveys: Roman’s High Latitude Wide Area Survey, outlined in blue, and the largest mosaic led by Hubble, the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS), shown in red. In current plans, the Roman survey will be more than 1,000 times broader than Hubble’s. Roman will also explore more distant realms of space than most other telescopes have probed in previous efforts to study why the expansion of the universe is speeding up.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight CenterImage3.8 MBJPEGroman_hls_mkiii_2

The Hubble image of a portion of the GOODS-South field (left) required multiple individual exposures that were stitched into a mosaic. The Roman Space Telescope will have a field of view (right) at least 100 times greater than Hubble, allowing it to capture data on thousands of galaxies in a single exposure.

IMAGE PROCESSING: Joseph DePasquale (STScI) 
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Pascal Oesch (University of Geneva), Mireia Montes (UNSW), DSS 

The Roman Space Telescope is designed for large surveys of the sky. This animation gives a sense of the scale of just one of Roman’s potential survey areas, which would span an area of 2,000 square degrees – about 10,000 times the size of the full Moon.

NASA, IPAC, Robert L. Hurt (IPAC) 

Acknowledgement: This animation has made use of the Stellarium planetarium.

Video3.2 MBMP4


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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a clue-hunter. As a survey mission, Roman will observe areas of the sky repeatedly, much like going back to the room multiple times to look for new details, or details that may have changed. It will cast a wide net with Hubble Space Telescope-quality data, but with 200 times Hubble’s infrared field of view! The infrared Roman mission will greatly expand our view of the universe, and it will provide many more clues to help solve some the greatest mysteries of astrophysics.

Illustration: J. Kang/STScI

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Like a detective who shares clues, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will provide open access and analysis of its data to scientists everywhere! 
It will democratize data access, making its information available to researchers when and where they want it. As a survey mission, its wide eye can take in an enormous amount information at one time. This data can address very specific questions, but scientists also can use the data to search for clues to other mysteries.

Illustration: J. Kang/STScI

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As a survey mission, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will collect Hubble-quality data but with 200 times Hubble’s infrared field of view. It will view planets by the thousands, galaxies by the millions, and stars by the billions. It will transmit almost 1,400 gigabytes of information to the ground each day—more than the storage space of an average home computer.

For comparison, the Hubble Space Telescope sends less than 3 gigabytes a day, and the James Webb Space Telescope sends less than 60 gigabytes. After just five years of observing, Roman will have delivered 20,000 terabytes! All of this data will provide a treasure trove of information to scientists for many years to come.

Illustration: J. Kang/STScI


titleComparisons with other Observatories

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Comparison of Hubble, Webb, and Roman, including their unique strengths and synergies.

A. James (STScI)Image32.4 MBPNGRoman-Hubble-Webb_comparison

Every ten years the astronomy community evaluates the top priorities for future science and what missions can best address them – called the Decadal Review.  This figure highlights the prioritized large space-based missions for previous decadal reviews.  The dates listed are the launch dates for each mission.

NASA, J. Kang (STScI)Image4.7 MBPNGHistory_Space_Based_Missions

Box Live Link

Roman Overview Presentation

Comparison of observatories in the 2020s and their windows into the electromagnetic spectrum.  

A. James (STScI)Image1.3 MBJPGmany_observatories_wavelength_graph

Roman Overview Presentation

NASA Astrophysics Fleet Mission Chart

NASAimage3.5 MBPDFAstro Fleet2019-Feb21_TAGGED

Comparison of Hubble and expected Rubin Observatory LSST data resolution. (L) BVz color image from the Hubble CANDELS field with θ = 0.1” and r ≈ 28.5. Roman will have comparable resolution. (R) Simulated Rubin LSST image made by degrading Hubble data to Rubin resolution of θ = 0.6”. In the Rubin image, the galaxy is blended with surrounding objects. Correlating overlapping Rubin and Roman imagery would make it possible to develop machine learning algorithms to deblend Rubin imagery that does not overlap with Roman.

Clean version.

Image from B.E. Robertson, et al. 2019, Nat Rev Phys, 1, 450

image2 MBPNGRoman_Deblending_clean

Box Live Link

Comparison of Hubble and expected Rubin Observatory LSST data resolution. (L) BVz color image from the Hubble CANDELS field with θ = 0.1” and r ≈ 28.5. Roman will have comparable resolution. (R) Simulated Rubin LSST image made by degrading Hubble data to Rubin resolution of θ = 0.6”. In the Rubin image, the galaxy is blended with surrounding objects. Correlating overlapping Rubin and Roman imagery would make it possible to develop machine learning algorithms to deblend Rubin imagery that does not overlap with Roman.

Annotated version.

Image from B.E. Robertson, et al. 2019, Nat Rev Phys, 1, 450image2 MBPNGRoman_Deblending_annotated

Box Live Link

"Cosmology with Roman" Fact Sheet

This video discusses the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's new near-infrared filter and the benefits it will provide.

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Music: "Particles and Fields" and "Final Words" from Universal Production Music

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The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will partner with other observatories such as JWST, the Hubble Space Telescope, and Vera Rubin Observatory to help solve some of the universe’s greatest mysteries. The synergy will produce results greater than anything that could be achieved by any one telescope.

Illustration: J. Kang/STScI

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