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titleComparisons with other Observatories

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Comparison of Hubble, Webb, and Roman, including their unique strengths and synergies.

A. James (STScI)Image32.4 MBPNGRoman-Hubble-Webb_comparison

Every ten years the astronomy community evaluates the top priorities for future science and what missions can best address them – called the Decadal Review.  This figure highlights the prioritized large space-based missions for previous decadal reviews.  The dates listed are the launch dates for each mission.

NASA, J. Kang (STScI)Image4.7 MBPNGHistory_Space_Based_Missions

Box Live Link

Roman Overview Presentation

Comparison of observatories in the 2020s and their windows into the electromagnetic spectrum.  

A. James (STScI)Image1.3 MBJPGmany_observatories_wavelength_graph

Roman Overview Presentation

NASA Astrophysics Fleet Mission Chart

NASAimage3.5 MBPDFAstro Fleet2019-Feb21_TAGGED

Comparison of Hubble and expected Rubin Observatory LSST data resolution. (L) BVz color image from the Hubble CANDELS field with θ = 0.1” and r ≈ 28.5. Roman will have comparable resolution. (R) Simulated Rubin LSST image made by degrading Hubble data to Rubin resolution of θ = 0.6”. In the Rubin image, the galaxy is blended with surrounding objects. Correlating overlapping Rubin and Roman imagery would make it possible to develop machine learning algorithms to deblend Rubin imagery that does not overlap with Roman.

Clean version.

Image from B.E. Robertson, et al. 2019, Nat Rev Phys, 1, 450

image2 MBPNGRoman_Deblending_clean

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Comparison of Hubble and expected Rubin Observatory LSST data resolution. (L) BVz color image from the Hubble CANDELS field with θ = 0.1” and r ≈ 28.5. Roman will have comparable resolution. (R) Simulated Rubin LSST image made by degrading Hubble data to Rubin resolution of θ = 0.6”. In the Rubin image, the galaxy is blended with surrounding objects. Correlating overlapping Rubin and Roman imagery would make it possible to develop machine learning algorithms to deblend Rubin imagery that does not overlap with Roman.

Annotated version.

Image from B.E. Robertson, et al. 2019, Nat Rev Phys, 1, 450image2 MBPNGRoman_Deblending_annotated

Box Live Link

"Cosmology with Roman" Fact Sheet

This video discusses the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's new near-infrared filter and the benefits it will provide.

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Music: "Particles and Fields" and "Final Words" from Universal Production Music

Video654.2 MBMP413852_Roman_Standard_Candle_Supernovae_1080_Best

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will partner with other observatories such as JWST, the Hubble Space Telescope, and Vera Rubin Observatory to help solve some of the universe’s greatest mysteries. The synergy will produce results greater than anything that could be achieved by any one telescope.

Illustration: J. Kang/STScI

Image718.5 KBJPGpost_03

titleRoman Virtual Backgrounds