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subjectGathering Input - Roman Brochure

The Roman outreach team at STScI is developing a new small brochure to take the place of the larger Roman Science and Technical Booklet.  The goal for this brochure is to provide Roman high-level information at professional meetings (AAS, DPS, etc.) that visitors to our exhibitor booths may need to understand how Roman science will be enabled.

Much of the science content in the Roman Science and Technical Booklet will quickly become outdated as the Core Community Surveys are defined.  We are sunsetting the booklet and are looking to see which items we can keep by moving that content online.

Note, the Roman brochure is being designed to require minimal future updates. 

  • If there is content that is time-sensitive, we suggest posting that online, such as on our Roman at AAS Outerspace page that we update for each AAS meeting.  We have Roman postcards that point visitors to this page.

Developing the Roman Brochure

The Roman Brochure will have limited space (approximately one 8.5"x11" paper, folded twice to create three columns).  We are asking for your support in prioritizing the kinds of information to be included in the brochure.  Please rank the following areas of content.

DUE DATE: Any Information provided by November 3, 2023 will be used to help develop this new Roman brochure.

Part #1

Contact information 

Extra Large33%Namename500true

Extra Large33%Email addressrecipient_emailtrue

Extra Large33%Institution affiliationaffiliation5000true

Part #2: Rank the following types of content

Help us prioritize which content makes it into the limited space of the brochure.  Please rank the following items from 1 (lowest priority) to 5 (highest priority).  Associated images show how that content appears in the Roman Science and Technical Booklet, but content may need to be condensed to fit in the new brochure.

Topic #1 

High Level Mission Messaging

mediumFieldPlease select your prioritization3Set to Survey the Sky (Expand Your View, Explore all of Astrophysics, Democratize Data Access, Complement Other Observatories, Propel Future Discoveries)false5 - Highest Prioritytruefalsefalse2504241 - Lowest Priorityfalse6High Level Messagingfalse3messaging1falsefalse

Topic #2

Extra Large150Topic #2topics2ENTER topic #2500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image2_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #2upload2Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Topic #3

Extra Large150Topic #3topics3ENTER topic #3500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image3_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #3upload3Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Topic #4

Extra Large150Topic #4topics4ENTER topic #4500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image4_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #4upload4Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Part #3:  Anything we missed?

If you would like to provide us with more information, please answer the following questions.

Extra Large33%How would you use this flyer?fact_sheet_usageWhy would you pick up or hand out a flyer like this?optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Additional info?last_more_infoAny additional information that you would like to provide? (E.g. links to papers, background resources, PPTs, etc.)optional response here5000

Thank you for your time in filling out this survey form.
