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 Ways To Query the TESS Input Catalog (TIC) and Candidate Target List (CTL)



6.1 - Search the TIC centered on HD 209458.

Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API

Use the MAST Portal to search the TIC centered on HD 209458 to find all dwarfs in the catalogs.

Tools Used:

  • Portal: Catalog Cone Search
  • MAST Name Resolver
  • Portal: Post-search Filtering
  • Portal: Export Search Results Grid





3 -

Search the exoCTL centered on K2 Campaign 2

Find dwarfs in the TIC with 2000 K < T_eff < 3500 K and ???.

Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API

Use the MAST Portal to search the exoCTL centered on the K2 Campaign 2 fieldDescription here.

Tools Used:

  • Portal: Catalog Cone Search
  • Portal: Export Search Results Grid
    • Tool 1
    • Tool 2




    1 - Search the TIC centered on HD 209458

    5 - Find southern hemisphere K dwarfs.

    Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API




    Portal to search the TIC centered on HD 209458 to find all dwarfs in the catalogs

    CasJobs to query all southern hemisphere K dwarf stars based on TIC temperature.

    Tools Used:

  • Portal: Catalog Cone Search
  • MAST Name Resolver
  • Portal: Post-search Filtering
    • CasJobs SQL Query Interface


    Portal: Export Search Results Grid

    6.2 - Search the exoCTL centered on K2 Campaign 2.

    Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API

    Use the MAST Portal to search the exoCTL centered on the K2 Campaign 2 field.

    Tools Used:

    • Portal: Catalog Cone Search
    • Portal: Export Search Results Grid

    6.3 - Find dwarfs in the TIC with 2000 K < T_eff < 3500 K and ???.


    Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API

    6.4 - Export a Portal table in the Goddard Mission Office format.

    Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API

    6.5 - Find southern hemisphere K dwarfs.

    Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API

    Use MAST CasJobs to query all southern hemisphere K dwarf stars based on TIC temperature.

    Description here.

    Tools Used:

    CasJobs SQL Query Interface
    • Tool 1
    • Tool 2

    Science-Case-Driven Searches of TESS Data Products

    Cone Search Centered On 47 Tuc - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Get TESS light curves for all 2-minute cadence targets within a specified radius centered on the globular cluster 47 Tuc.

    Tools Used:

    • Portal: Cone Search
    • MAST Name Resolver
    • Portal: Specify A Search Radius
    • Portal: Add Data To Basket
    • Portal: Filter Inside Basket For Specific Data Products

    Download UV and TESS Data For A List Of White Dwarfs - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Upload a target list of white dwarfs, cross-match with the TIC in Portal, then do a spatial cross-match of the resulting table with MAST footprints, filter on UV mission data, add UV data AND TESS products to basket, and download all files with a wget/cURL output option.

    Tools Used:

    • Portal: Target Upload
    • Portal: Spatial Cross-Match With the TIC
    • Portal: Spatial Cross-Match With MAST Observation Footprints
    • Portal: Post-Search Filter
    • Portal: Add Data To Basket
    • Portal: Basket Download Options

    Look For Transients In FFI's In Nearby Galaxies - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Use FFI cutout tool to extract areas centered on nearby galaxies to search for extragalactic transients north of -30 degrees. The declination limit is chosen so that higher resolution PanSTARRS data are also available for post-detection analysis.

    Tools Used:

    Get All 2-Min. TESS Targets With Long-Period Kepler Transits - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Use MAST CasJobs to get the TESS target IDs that have 2-minute cadence data and a Kepler Threshold Crossing Event (TCE) with an orbital period greater than some specified value.

    Tools Used:

    Make A Download Script From A GI Proposal - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Given a list of TIC or TOI IDs from a GI proposal, use a pre-bundled script to download all the target pixel files for those targets.

    Tools Used:

    Download Bulk Bundles of TESS Data Products - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Use Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) at MAST to download pre-bundled collections of Full Frame Images from one camera from one sector and all extracted, 2-minute light curves in the JWST Southern Continuous Viewing Zone.

    Tools Used:

    Get All Bright TESS Targets Inside the JWST Southern CVZ - Walkthroughs Browser-Based | Using API


    Do a pre-search filter to get all TESS 2-minute cadence targets that lie within the JWST Southern Continuous Viewing Zone that are brighter than a specified H magnitude and load those results inside the Portal.

    Tools Used:

    Data Products Basics: Reading and Using TESS Data Product Contents

    Add picture here.

    Full Frame Images
    Tutorial: link here
    Description here.

    Target Pixel Files
    Tutorial: link here
    Description here.

    Light Curve Files
    Tutorial: link here
    Description here.

    Data Validation Time Series
    Tutorial: link here
    Description here.