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1. News & announcements


2. ExoCTK updates
Nestor Espinoza provided a brief summary of the objectives of the project: basically, to aid in the proposal preparation and data analysis of observations targetting the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres through transit/eclipse observations. Some high-level ta.

Task-015Train new ExoCTK leads
  • This task relates to the training of the new ExoCTK science lead (Nestor Espinoza). This was done through contract with Kevin Stevenson (previous lead of ExoCTK who joined JHU). Almost done — contract ending this month.

Task-016Address PandExo/ExoCTK liens
  • This task relates to some extra additions that wanted to be made available for ExoCTK users on proposal tool preparation for exoplanet atmospheres.

Task-017Make PandExo and some of ExoCTK officially supported

  • Request of support from instrument branches.
25min3. Updates on TSO WG tasks for Fiscal Year 2020

Pipeline readiness & preparation for TSOEveryone
  • How tickets get prioritized for different instruments is not clear right now (e.g., white-light wavelength range ticket assigned as critical for NIRCam but "only" high for MIRI). Might be good to clarify with DMS how this is worked out. It appears DMS internally have their discussions on this. 

  • Nikolay explains that this is critical for them because the full wavelength range gives rise to just larger errors in the white-light lightcurves, which is not useful for both commissioning and science.

  • Nikolay is working with Everett Schlawin on trying to get the best precision out of simulated data. This has led them to define parameter reference files to enable column-by-column background subtraction. This has to be customized for NIRCam, because currently there is only one to NIRISS.

  • Sarah mentions that we should use the DMS notebook validation testing scheme to share results. Details are here: INS Validation Testing Preparation Meeting. There's a small form on this page that you can use to add yourself to the INS testers list (& be kept up to date).

  • NIRSpec started to run their CV3 data through the pipeline. Rectification step is not performed by default for NIRSpec, so that would have to be fixed apparently. Also details about flat fields, etc. Maria Peña-Guerrero is person in NIRSpec for the DMS notebooks.

Instrument & cross-instrument TSO tasksEveryone

4. TSO activities per instrument team

5minNIRISS activities/updates
  • Implementing a trace and extraction algorithm.
5minNIRCam activities/updates
  • Mainly pipeline testing (see above). Also looking at the ticket prioritization — with Bryan and Brian, Nikolay has a list of tickets.
5minNIRSpec activities/updatesTony Keyes
  • Spent most of time on ticket prioritization. Has a detailed list of these — in particular, spectral rectification currently not done on NIRSpec/BOTS, so trying to get that working. 
5minMIRI activities/updates
  • This week the Normal OPS 8.1 is happening (general DMS system testing). Plan to run TSO tests for MIRI with it — Sarah has been asked to produce simulated data for this run, so will be working on that. You can see what is being run on this page 

5. Exoplanet consulting expert involvement on TSO WG tasks 

TSO simulated data & noise limitations
44 hours allocated to the expert.

JWST time stamps for TSO
20 hours allocated to the expert.


20 hours allocated to the expert.

  • JWST TSO QL tool will follow established practices from the transiting exoplanet field (see guidelines).

Synergies with between TSO and Coronographic WGs

Had meeting with Julien Girard on this. Idea is to work on understanding how to use TSO + Coronography. He'll be sending simulated data on this.

6. Overview of DMS TSO-related tasks

TSO DMSWG Dashboard

Nestor Espinoza: JT-XXXX  

Closing remarks of the meeting
