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subjectRoman Galaxies Flyter - form inputs
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The Roman Space Telescope outreach team at STScI created a series of one-page fact sheets for astronomers with the goal of informing the broader astronomy community of the important science enable by Roman. The completed fact sheets are linked below. Each fact sheet, listed below, contains 4-6 distinct sections to highlight specific research areas or topics.  

Developing "Planets by the Thousands" Fact Sheet

Our next fact sheet, "Planets by the Thousands", will focus on Roman’s potential contributions to our understanding of __________________________________"the diversity of planets and the formation and evolution of planetary systems. The fact sheet will include information that an expert on Roman’s capabilities with respect to planets exoplanets/planetary systems would expect to find , AND and that a any exoplanet or solar system scientist wondering what Roman has to offer would hope to find.

We welcome your input on the important science topics for the SUB-SECTIONS on distinct sections in the "PLANETS BY THE THOUSANDS" fact sheet, as well as suggestions for compelling images to accompany those sections. 

DUE DATE: Any Information provided by OCTOBER 22, 2021 will be used to help develop this new fact sheet on planets.

Thank you for your time!

STScI Roman Outreach Team in the Office of Public Outreach

Part #1

Contact information 

Extra Large33%Namename500true

Extra Large33%Email addressrecipient_emailtrue

Extra Large33%Institution affiliationaffiliation5000true

Cosmology with the WFIRST High Latitude Surveycosmic_dawnfalseWINGS: WFIRST Infrared Nearby Galaxy SurveyfalsefalsefalsefalseWFIRST Type Ia Supernova Investigationswings_galaxiescosmo_hlsEXPO (Extragalactic Potential Observations)other_sitOthersupernovaArchival Research Capabilities of the WFIRST Data SetexpoInvestigating the Nature of Dark Energy using Type Ia Supernovaefalse8Exoplanets/Coronographarchival-researchgeneral-astroother-sitSolar Systemfalsefalse5Select the Science Investigation team(s) you serve onfalsefalseCosmic Dawn with WFIRSTarchival_researchsit_teamsdarkenergy_snfalsefalsefalsefalseArchival ResearchGeneral Astrophysics exoplanets-coronographOthersit_teamssolar-system true

Extra Large33%Enter a field if "OTHER" was selected aboveother_sit_name5000

Part #2: SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR GALAXIES "Planets by the Thousands" FACT SHEET

Imagine that someone asks you what Roman will do for them regarding galaxiesfor exoplanet or planetary system science. You have no time to explain, but you want to give them this fact sheet. What galaxy topics do you want to see on it?  What visually-appealing graphics could support those topics?  Enter up to five topic suggestions below, but at a minimum please suggest two topics.

Topic #1 

Extra Large150Topic #1topics1ENTER topic #1500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image1_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #1upload1Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Topic #2

Extra Large150Topic #2topics2ENTER topic #2500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image2_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #2upload2Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Topic #3

Extra Large150Topic #3topics3ENTER topic #3500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image3_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #3upload3Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Topic #4

Extra Large150Topic #4topics4ENTER topic #4500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image4_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #4upload4Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.

Topic #5

Extra Large150Topic #5topics5ENTER topic #5500

Extra LargeSuggestion for supporting image(s)image5_refEnter a short description and reference if available (e.g., hyperlink to image, paper, or website)5000

Extra LargeOPTIONAL: Upload image #5upload5Option to upload image. Provide info in the previous field.


For the topic(s) that you are most familiar with or care about, we would like to know the level of content that should be included in this fact sheet.  Feel free to enter information in any, or none, of the fields below. If you want to fill this section out for more topics, use the additional free-form field at the end of this section OR fill out this form again.

Extra Large33%Topic of focus?expand_topic1Enter the topic that will be the focus of the answers to the questions below.5000

Extra Large33%Basic information?basic_infoWhat type of information would you expect to find for this topic (e.g. numbers, stats, facts, etc. at a suggested level of detail.) optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Using planned surveys?using_surveys How do you envision using the High-latitude Core Community surveys to advance research for this topic?optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Use Guest Observing General Astrophysics time?guest_observing_timeHow would you envision using Guest Observer time General Astrophysics time (new data or archival) for this topic?optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Synergies with other telescopes?synergiesHow will synergies with other missions/telescopes advance this topic?optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Suggested resources?more_resourcesWhat are some resources for this topic area (e.g., relevant white papers, referred papers, presentations, websites, etc.)optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Additional topics?secondary_topic_infoUse this field to enter answer to the above questions for a second topic. OR you can take the survey again and fill out just this section for the secondary topic.OPTIONAL AREA FOR SECONDARY TOPIC20000

Part #4

If you would like to provide us with more information, please answer the following questions.

Extra Large33%How would you use this flyer?fact_sheet_usageWhy would you pick up or hand out a flyer like this?optional response here5000

Extra Large33%Additional info?last_more_infoAny additional information that you would like to provide? (E.g. links to papers, background resources, PPTs, etc.)optional response here5000

Thank you for your time in filling out this survey form.
