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altInclusive Astronomy 2 Banner

Presentation Format

Presentations (talks) can be Keynote, Powerpoint, or PDF. Contact for information on how to upload your talk.

Poster Format

Please make physical posters no larger than 27 inch wide x 36 inch long, portrait. We have limited it to this size in order to accommodate as many posters as possible. We will make all posters electronically available by sharing digital copies with conference participants.

Accessibility for Presenters

It is imperative that all IA2 presenters strive to make their presentations as accessible as possible. This checklist is a convenient summation of resources about accessible presenting. Please use it as you create your presentations and posters so that they are built to be inclusive. 

Checklist for making presentations (talks or posters):

Additional items for making posters:

  • Include a QR code that links to a digital copy of your poster. Keynote/Powerpoint are more accessible formats than PDF.
  • Do not overcrowd the poster with too much material. 
  • Make sure the text has enough white space between lines. 

Checklist for speaking during presentations:

  • Always speak into the microphone. Yes, even if you’re loud. Repeat questions if they’re not asked into a microphone. 
  • When speaking, position your face at an angle that allows participants to read your lips. Avoid speaking while facing away from the audience, or while looking down at papers or screens.
  • Describe any visuals. All onscreen textual information should also be spoken. 
  • Give people time to process information by including pauses between information.
  • Be conscious of your word choice and avoid ableist language. For more information, please see this article on linguistic ableism and the corresponding glossary of ableist terms by Autistic Hoya.

Resources used to make this checklist: 

Presentation Topics

Across the two day conference, we invite presenters to share work falling under the following two categories:

  • Input to the state of the profession and demographics committee(s) for the astronomy 2020 decadal review (i.e. submitted Activity, Project or State of the Profession Consideration (APC) white papers)

  • Revisiting the short, medium, and long term goals and actions recommended in Nashville on removing barriers to access, creating inclusive environments, access to leadership and policy-making, and establishing an inclusive community. We invite the community to present their work in enabling or advancing these goals, and their recommendations on all timescales. We should discuss and prioritize these as goals. 

Check back later for a more detailed list of the themes the conference will explore.

Abstract Submission

Any interested presenters will submit abstracts for review by the Science Organizing Committee.

The IA2 abstract deadline will fall after the APC white paper deadline of July 10, 2019.

Check back later for a specific abstract deadline and link to the abstract submission portal (currently under construction).


It is imperative that all IA2 presenters strive to make their presentations as accessible as possible.

Please consult the following resources regarding accessibility, in presentations and beyond:

We specifically encourage submissions of work that falls under the following categories:

  • Policy recommendations:
    • Education and Training
    • Scientific Resources (specifically facility time, publications, and funding)
    • Employment
    • Leadership
  • Societal discussions:
    • Gender
    • Underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities
    • LBGTQIA+
    • Ability and neurodiversity

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Science Organizing Committee. Selected presenters will be notified in mid-August.If you know of any helpful resources that we have not shared here, please let us know and we will be happy to include them!