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What are we? We are a group composed of staff, analysts, and students from STScI , JHU and beyond, working on exoplanetary science being done with transiting and/or radial - velocity planets: data spanning from detection (e.g., transit surveys, RV surveys, etc.) to atmospheric detailed characterization (e.g., using ground and space-based low /and high res transit spectroscopy, JWST, etc.-resolution spectroscopy).

Objectives of the group : We aim for this group to be a network for transiting and radial-velocity exoplanetary

  1. Provide a space for the exploration of transit and radial velocity exoplanet science at STScI, in order to


  1. foster collaboration and coordination within the


  1. Institute.
  2. Provide a window


  1. into the wide array of work being done by exoplanet astronomers at STScI


  1. as part of external collaborations.


Who can join the group? Anyone within the STScI and JHU communities — including direct collaborators at the Institutecommunity, including their collaborators and students.

Context within STScI Priorities: This group also promotes strategic thinking about RV/transit exoplanet science as a response to the Decadal, and in support of current and future flagship missions.

Group Activities

Internal (more details here):

  1. Monthly T-Rex group meeting


    • Every first Tuesday at 1 pm.
  2. Yearly Science Jamboree


    • Late Summer, exact date TBD



  • Exoplanets, Star & Planet Formation (ESPF) Seminar Series: Mondays at 3 pm (website and schedule)
  • Exocoffee journal club: every other Monday at 9 am (website)


    • .

More details on Group Activities Page.

Optional Activities Based on Interest
  • Space Telescope Proposal Sprint:
    • Every week in the month leading to the proposal deadline (usually March for HST; exact dates TBD; tentatively December for JWST Cycle 2)
  • Ground-based Telescope Proposal Fall Sprint:  
    • Every week in the month leading to the proposal deadline (usually September for most facilities)
Related External Activities
  • Exoplanets, Star & Planet Formation (ESPF) Seminar Series
  • Exocoffee journal club 
    • Every other Tuesday at 3 pm (website)


  • We abide by the AAS code of ethics.
  • Ideas and work shared and/or discussed in T-Rex group activities and/or between members should be understood as proprietary of to the person sharing them (, unless credited to someone else). Any invitation to be part of that idea and/or work must be explicit and not be understood as arising simply for from engaging in discussions on them.
  • Collaboration (if any, including: proposals, papers, conferences, funding) within the group thus is not automatic, and needs explicit agreement between members.
  • On “ideas”: This group should should be a hub for ideas, but proper credit must be given when used outside of the group (acknowledgments, co-authorship on proposals, papers, conferences, etc. as appropriate).