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  • This line was removed.
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Table of Contents

The Pandeia Engine is a Python module (compatible with Python 3.


9 and later) that functions as the computational engine of the JWST ETC and Roman WFI ETC. It can be imported and run as a standalone module.

The engine itself can be run with the command

Code Block
titlePandeia Engine Inputs
from pandeia.engine import perform_calculation

result = perform_calculation.perform_calculation(calculation)

where "calculation" is a heirarchical dictionary describing a scene of sources, an instrument setup, and an extraction strategy.


titleAPI Compatibility

The Pandeia Engine API may change at any time. The following information and examples are for Pandeia Engine 3.x, 4.x, and 2024.x only, and are not guaranteed to be accurate or functional for previous or future releases. Updates (and information about planned pending API changes) can be found on the Pandeia Engine News page.

Engine inputs take the form of a hierarchical Python dictionary describing, in different sections, the instrument setup, the scene with definitions of all sources within it, and the flux extraction strategy.

Such input dictionaries are available in the JWST Webapp or Roman Webapp download files (as a JSON-formatted file named input.json, suitable for reading in with the built-in Python


'json' module). Alternatively, default versions of calculations can be created with the function build_default_calc() and then edited








from pandeia.engine import calc_utils

calculation = calc_utils.build_default_calc("jwst","nircam","sw_imaging")
API Checking

The Pandeia Engine expects a specific hierarchical format, but does not generally validate the format. It may silently replace missing or misplaced information with defaults, and it will generally not warn about unexpected keywords. By design, the Engine does not validate inputs: setups that may not be permitted in the Webapp or in APT may compute, but we do not and cannot guarantee the validity of the results.

Create a default calculation

Code Block
titleCreate a default calculation
from pandeia.engine import calc_utils
from pandeia.engine import perform_calculation

calculation = calc_utils.build_default_calc("jwst","nircam","sw_imaging")
results = perform_calculation.perform_calculation(calculation)

The command above produces the NIRCam SW Imaging calculation below, and then runs it through the engine. "results" will be a dictionary, defined in the Output API documentation

Load a calculation from the JWST Webapp or Roman Webapp

Calculation downloads from the JWST Webapp or Roman Webapp contain the engine inputs in a JSON-formatted text file called input.json.

Code Block
titleLoad a calculation from a file
import json
from pandeia.engine import perform_calculation

with open("input.json") as infile:
    calculation = json.load(infile)

results = perform_calculation.perform_calculation(calculation)

The command above reads a file called "input.json" in the current directory, loads it into a Python dictionary, and runs it through the engine. "results" will be a dictionary, defined in the Output API documentation. Results should match the webapp.

Full API

The full API documentation, with all possible options and combinations for any instrument, can be found in engine_input_api.rst


The following calculation defines a JWST NIRCam observation in SW Imaging mode using the full subarray and rapid readout pattern and f070w filter, for a flat-spectrum (in fnu) point source normalized to 0.001 mJy, intended to be observed with a 0.2" aperture. Note that it specifies a background precomputed for the JWST minzodi benchmark position; actual user-configured backgrounds are available in the JWST Webapp (and can be downloaded from there)

(click here to download as a JSON file: sw_f070w_rapid_full.jeng)

Code Block
titleJWST NIRCam SW Imaging
    "background": "minzodi",
    "background_level": "benchmark",
    "calculation": {

The command above produces the NIRCam calculation on the left.

The full API documentation, with all possible options and combinations for any instrument, is given below.


titleJWST NIRCam SW Imaging F070W, Full Subarray, Rapid Readout pattern

The following calculation defines a JWST NIRCam observation in SW Imaging mode using the full subarray and rapid readout pattern


titleJWST NIRCam SW Imaging F070W, Full subarray, Rapid readout


































"scatter": null


configuration": {
        "detector": {






"nexp": 1,




            "nint": 1,


     "readout_pattern": "






"subarray": "






"instrument": {




        "aperture": "sw",


     "disperser": null,








instrument": "
















































                "extinction_first": true, 










    "law": "mw_rv_31",


























lines": [],


    "name": "generic source",


    "normalization": {




















        "norm_wave": 2.0,




"norm_waveunit": "microns",


type": "




titleRoman WFI F062, Full subarray, Medium2 readout pattern

The following JSON dictionary defines a Roman WFI observation with the F062 filter, full subarray, medium2 readout pattern, and 10 groups; for a 0.001 mJy flat-spectrum point source intended to be observed with a 0.2" aperture.


titleRoman WFI F062






































unit": "














    "strategy": {














"display_string": "Imaging Aperture Photometry",






"method": "imagingapphot",
        "sky_annulus": [












        "target_type": "coords",












units": "





The following dictionary defines a Roman WFI Imaging observation with the F087 filter, "full" subarray, c2a_img_hlwas ma table, and the maximum number of resultants; for a 0.001 mJy flat-spectrum point source (in fnu) intended to be observed with a 0.2" aperture.

(click here to download as a JSON file: imaging_f087_c2a_img_hlwas_full.jeng

Code Block
titleRoman WFI Imaging
    "background": "minzodi",
    "background_level": "benchmark",
    "calculation": {






            "saturation": null


        "noise": {




            "dark": null,






"ffnoise": null,












configuration": {
        "detector": {






            "nexp": 1,




            "subarray": "full"


        "instrument": {


aperture": "


            "disperser": null,


filter": "




"instrument": "wfi",


























x_offset": 0.0,


"y_offset": 0.0








shape": {






















        "bandpass": "j",






law": "




            "unit": "






           "value": 0.0




                "extinction_first": true,
                "lines": [],


        "name": "


generic source",


Top Level

The engine input api is a dict.  At the top level of the dict, there are:

    string for canned background location lookup, or array of background values (see below)

    string for canned background level (optional; see below)

    dict: camera/telescope configuration

    list: list of sources


fake_exception: (optional)
    test interface

error, server_test:
    reserved by server

Full Engine Input API

As of now, the engine requires the following information to perform a calculation:


scene: list (no default)

  This is a list of Sources. Each Source is described by a dict with the following keys:

    position: dict
      Source position parameters described by the following keys:

        x_offset: float (default 0.0)
            Detector plane X offset from FOV center in arcseconds. Positive to the right.
            Coordinates are set such that at the center of the center pixel is 0,0
        y_offset: float (default 0.0)
            Detector plane Y offset from FOV center in arcseconds. Positive is up.
            Coordinates are set such that at the center of the center pixel is 0,0
        orientation: float (default 0.0)
            Detector plane orientation in degrees. Positive is in direction of +X.
            (e.g. orientation=90 is UP, and orientation=-90 is DOWN)

    shape: dict
      Source shape parameters described by the following keys:

        geometry: string (default "point")
            Supported geometries are "point", "gaussian2d", "flat", "sersic", "sersic_scale", and "power". Required
            additional source shape parameters are contingent on this parameter:

                "point" requires no additional parameters.

                "gaussian2d", "flat", "sersic", and "sersic_scale" all require these parameters:
                    major: float (default 0.1)
                        Semi-major axis in arcseconds. For "flat" this sets the size, for "gaussian2d"
                        this sets the sigma, for "sersic" this sets the effective radius (within which half the flux is
                        concentrated) and for "sersic_scale" this sets a scale length where I(r) = I(0)/e.
                    minor: float (default 0.1)
                        Semi-minor axis in arcseconds
                    norm_method: string (default 'integ_infinity')
                        Methods of surface brightness normalization to perform. Supported methods are:
                        * integ_infinity: Normalize to the total intensity of the source, integrated to infinity
                        * surf_center: Normalize to the surface brightness at the center of the source
                        * surf_scale: Normalize to the surface brightness at the scale radius (for gaussian2d, 1-sigma;
                            for sersic, the effective radius; for sersic_scale, the e-folding scale length;
                            NOT AVAILABLE FOR FLAT SOURCES)
                    surf_area_units: string (default 'arcsec^2')
                        Specifies what area the flux to be renormalized in spectrum/normalization/norm_flux is over.
                        * arcsec^2: the flux is per square arcsecond.
                        * sr: the flux is per steradian.

                "sersic" and "sersic_scale" require one additional parameter:
                    sersic_index: float (default 1.0)
                        Power law index that sets the shape of a sersic profile.
                        sersic_index = 1.0 --> exponential
                        sersic_index = 0.5 --> gaussian
                        sersic_index = 4.0 --> de Vaucouleurs

                "power" has its own parameters, different from the other profiles:
                    power_index: Power law index that sets the shape of the profile
                    r_core: Radius of the flat circular central core to which the profile is normalized
                    norm_method: string. For "power", must be set to 'surf_center'
                    surf_area_units: string (default 'arcsec^2'). Same as other profiles.

    spectrum: dict
      Source spectral parameters described by the following keys:

        redshift: float (default 0.0)
            Redshift to apply to the continuum. Since lines are added with physical units for their strength,
            they are added to the spectrum after normalization and redshift.

        extinction: dict
          Defines how the spectrum is reddened by interstellar dust

            law: string
                Extinction law to use. Supported laws are
                    * ``mw_rv_31`` - WD01 Milky Way curve for an R_V value of 3.1 (default)
                    * ``mw_rv_40`` - WD01 Milky Way curve for an R_V value of 4.0
                    * ``mw_rv_55`` - WD01 Milky Way curve for an R_V value of 5.5
                    * ``hd210121`` - WD01 Extinction curve for high-latitude molecular cloud hd210121 with C/H = b_C = 40 ppm
                                     in log-normal size dists
                    * ``lmc_avg``  - WD01 Average extinction curve for the LMC with C/H = b_C = 20 ppm in log-normal size dists
                    * ``lmc_2``    - WD01 LMC extinction curve with C/H = b_C = 10 ppm in log-normal size dists (30 Dor region)
                    * ``smc_bar``  - WD01 Extinction curve in SMC bar with C/H = b_C = 0 ppm in log-normal size dists
                    * ``chapman09`` - Chapman et al. (2009) mid-IR extinction curve derived from three molecular clouds:
                                      Ophiuchus, Perseus, and Serpens
            value: float
                Level of extinction in units of unit
            unit: string
                Units of extinction.  Allowed values are ``nh`` for hydrogen column density (cm^-2) and "mag" for magnitudes
                of extinction in specified bandpass, ext_bandpass
            bandpass: string
                Bandpass to which extinction is normalized to if unit="mag".  Allowed values are v, j, h, and k.

        normalization: dict
          Defines how the spectrum is to be scaled.

            type: string
                Method of normalization to perform.  Supported methods are
                    * ``at_lambda`` - Specify norm_flux in fluxunit at a specfic wavelength, norm_wave
                    * ``hst`` - Specify a bandpass in the form of an "obsmode" string to pass along to synphot along with fluxunit and norm_flux
                    * ``jwst`` - Specify a bandpass as an instrument configuration in the form of a comma-separated string <instrument>,<mode>,<filter> along with fluxunit and norm_flux
                    * ``photsys`` - Specify bandpass in the form of a comma-separated string <photsys>,<filter>
                    * ``none`` - Do not normalize spectrum.  Only valid for a spectrum type of 'input'.

            norm_wave: float
                Reference wavelength in 'norm_waveunit' at which spectrum will be scaled for type 'at_lambda'.
                Ignored for other normalization types.
            norm_flux: float
                Reference flux in 'norm_fluxunit' to which spectrum will be scaled.
            norm_fluxunit: string
                Specify the flux units in which the normalization should occur.
                Supports flam, fnu, vegamag, abmag, mjy, ujy, njy, jy
            norm_waveunit: string
                Specify the wavelength units used in normalization
            bandpass: string
                Specifies the key used to obtain the normalization bandpass for
                types 'hst', 'jwst', and 'photsys'.

        sed: dict
          Defines the spectral energy distribution of the spectrum.

            sed_type: string
                Type of the spectral energy distribution. Each type requires its own set
                of parameters. The analytic sed_types (none, flat, powerlaw, flat) all
                require 'wmin', 'wmax', and 'sampling' to define the range and wavelength
                sampling over which the model spectrum is calculated. However, they are only
                available in the API for testing purposes and should not be configured via
                the UI.

                    **no_continuum** - No continuum, specifically Flux = 0.0 over specified range [wmin, wmax]
                        wmin: float (default 0.5)
                            Minimum wavelength in microns
                        wmax: float (default 30.0)
                            Maximum wavelength in microns
                        sampling: int (default 200)
                            Sets the logarithmic wavelength sampling of the model spectrum

                    **flat** - Flat spectrum in specified units calculated over specified range [wmin, wmax]
                        wmin: float (default 0.5)
                            Minimum wavelength in microns
                        wmax: float (default 30.0)
                            Maximum wavelength in microns
                        sampling: int (default 200)
                            Sets the logarithmic wavelength sampling of the model spectrum
                        unit: string
                            Units of spectrum, either 'fnu' or 'flam'

                    **powerlaw** - Powerlaw spectrum where F ~ lambda ^ index calculated over range [wmin, wmax]
                        wmin: float (default 0.5)
                            Minimum wavelength in microns
                        wmax: float (default 30.0)
                            Maximum wavelength in microns
                        sampling: int (default 200)
                            Sets the logarithmic wavelength sampling of the model spectrum
                        unit: string
                            Units of spectrum, either 'fnu' or 'flam'
                        index: float
                            Exponent of the power law

                    **blackbody** - Blackbody spectrum calculated over range [wmin, wmax]
                        wmin: float (default 0.5)
                            Minimum wavelength in microns
                        wmax: float (default 30.0)
                            Maximum wavelength in microns
                        sampling: int (default 200)
                            Sets the logarithmic wavelength sampling of the model spectrum
                        temp: float
                            Temperature of the blackbody in Kelvin

                    **phoenix** - Parameterized stellar atmosphere models calculated by the Phoenix group
                        key: string
                            In webapp mode, a key is used to look up a predefined set of parameters. If not
                            in webapp mode and if key is not provided, model parameters can be passed directly:
                        teff: float
                            Effective temperature. Allowed range is 2000 K to 70000 K
                        log_g: float
                            Surface gravity in log10(cgs) units. Allowed range is 0.0 to 5.5.
                        metallicity: float
                            Metallicity in units of log10(solar metallicity). Allowed range is -4.0 to 0.5.

                    **hst_calspec** - HST standard star spectra
                        key: string
                            Key used to look up which spectrum to load.

                    **brown** - Integrated spectra of galaxies from Brown et al. (2014)
                        key: string
                            Key used to look up which spectrum to load.

                    **input** - spectrum provided via input arrays
                        spectrum: list-like or numpy.ndarray
                            The 0th index is taken to be wavelength in units of 'microns'.
                            The 1st index is taken to be the flux in units of 'mJy'.

        lines: list (default [])
          List of line definitions. Each definition is a dict with keys:

              name: string (default 'no name')
                  Name of line (e.g. 'Hydrogen Alpha')
              center: float (default 5.2)
                  Wavelength at line center in w_unit
              strength: float (default 1.0e-14)
                  Strength of line in erg/cm^2/s for emission or
                  optical depth for absorption
              profile: string
                  Line profile type:
                    * gaussian      *default*
                    * voigt          NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
              emission_or_absorption: string
                  Line type:
                    * emission      *default* (mJy)
                    * absorption    (tau)

            A profile type of **gaussian** (currently the only type) requires one additional parameter:

              width: float (default 200.0)
                  Full-width half-max of line in km/s

            When implemented, profile type of **voigt** will require two additional parameters:

              gaussian_fwhm: float (default 200.0)
                  Full-width half-max of the gaussian core of the line in units of km/s
              lorentzian_fwhm: float (default 500.0)
                  Full-width half-max of the lorentzian wings of the line in units of km/s

background: string (default 'minzodi') or list-like or numpy.ndarray
  Possible string values are: none, minzodi, and ecliptic.  String values trigger the use of
  a canned background model at the location given. If a background spectrum is provided, it is
  assumed that the 0th index is the wavelength in microns and the 1st index is the background
  surface brightness in MJy/sr.

background_level: string (default 'benchmark').
  Possible string values are "high", "medium", "low", and (only for minzodi location) "benchmark".
  This value is only used if background is a string that's not none.


calculation: dict
  Set of parameters to toggle the inclusion of different effects and noise parameters in a calculation.
  This section is optional and largely for testing purposes. These are not supported in the UI.
  If the parameter is None, the default from the instrument configuration is used. If the parameter is set
  to True or False the effect is switched on or off, overriding the instrument default configurations.
  Use at your own risk.

    noise: dict
      Noise components

        crs: bool/None
            Cosmic rays
        ffnoise: bool/None
            Flat-field noise

    effects: dict
      Effects that can affect the noise or detector response or both

        saturation: bool/None
            Pixel saturation

Instrument Configuration

configuration: dict

  This is the configuration for the instrument and detector, using the following keys:

    instrument: dict
      The instrument configuration parameters

        instrument: string
          for JWST:
            * miri
            * nircam
            * nirspec
            * niriss

          for Roman:
            * wfi

        mode: string
          valid modes:
          for JWST:
            * imaging
            * imaging_ts
            * sw_imaging
            * lw_imaging
            * msa (called mos in the webapp)
            * mos_ver
            * mos_conf
            * mrs
            * mrs_ts
            * soss
            * ifu
            * ifu_ver
            * wfss
            * ssgrism (called lw_tsgrism in the webapp)
            * sw_ts
            * lw_ts
            * wfgrism
            * lrsslit
            * lrsslitless
            * fixed_slit
            * bots
            * ami
            * coronagraphy
            * target_acq

          for Roman:
            * imaging
            * spectroscopy

        filter: string
           (e.g. f070w)

        disperser: string
           (e.g. g235h)

        aperture: string
           (e.g. a200s1)

        shutter_location: string (only valid for NIRSpec MSA, MOS_CONF, and MOS_VER modes)
            Identifier string for slitlet position to use for MSA calculation

        slitlet_shape: string or list (only valid for NIRSpec MSA, MOS_CONF, and MOS_VER modes)
            A string denoting a slitlet grid shape.
            Can also be a list of 2-element offsets describing set of shutters to be open. Offsets are from scene center
            in units of shutter spacing.
                (e.g. slitlet_shape = [[0,-2],[0,0],[0,2]])

    detector: dict
      Exposure configuration parameters.

        subarray: string
           full, 64x64, etc.; Instrument-dependent
        readout_pattern: string
        ngroup: int
           Number of groups
        nint: int
           Number of integrations
        nexp: int
           Number of exposures

    dynamic_scene: boolean
        Toggle whether to allow the size of the scene to expand dynamically to include all configured sources.

    scene_size: float
        Default size of the scene in arcseconds. Used if dynamic_scene is True.

    max_scene_size: float
        Maximum allowable scene_size in arcseconds.

Extraction Strategy

strategy: dict
  Configuration parameters for observing strategy.

    method: string
        Instrument and mode dependent. Currently supported methods are:
            * imagingapphot
            * specapphot
            * coronagraphy
            * ifuapphot
            * ifunodinscene
            * ifunodoffscene
            * msafullapphot
            * msaapphot
            * msashutterapphot
            * soss
            * taphot
            * tacentroid

        Planned methods that are not yet implemented include:
            imagingoptphot, specoptphot, speclinephot
        In most cases, only one extraction strategy is valid for a given mode.

    units: string  (default: "arcsec")
        Angular units used by the strategy
    target_source: string
        Sent by the UI client, but currently unused by the engine
    target_type: string
        Sent by the UI client, but currently unused by the engine

    The rest of the parameters will be method dependent.  The parameters required
    for **imagingapphot**, **specapphot**, **msaapphot**, and **ifuapphot** are:

        background_subtraction: boolean
            Toggle whether sky annulus background subtraction (True) or ideal noiseless background subtraction (False) is performed.
        aperture_size: float
            Size of extraction aperture in "units"
        sky_annulus: list-like of format (float, float)
            The inner and outer radii in "units" of sky region used for background subtraction
        target_xy: list-like of format (float, float)
            X and Y center position of the aperture and sky annulus

    The parameters required for all spectroscopic modes (**specapphot**, **msafullapphot**, **soss**, **ifuapphot**,
    **ifunodinscene**, **ifunodoffscene**) are:
        reference_wavelength: float
            Wavelength at which the scalar parameters should be extracted from.
            The values extracted will be from the wavelength grid value (measured at center of a
            pixel) closest to this requested value.

    The parameters required for **ifunodinscene** and **ifunodoffscene** are:

        aperture_size: float
            Size of extraction aperture in "units"
        target_xy: list-like of format (float, float)
            X and Y center position of the aperture and sky annulus.
        dithers: list of dicts with format {'x': <float>, 'y': <float>}
            Dither positions given in "units" from center of the Scene.

    The parameters required for **msafullapphot**, **msaapphot**, and **msashutterapphot** are:

        shutter_offset: list-like of format (float, float)
            Offset of shutter pattern from center of scene in "units"
        dithers: list of dicts
            Dither positions and MSA shutter configuration with the following format:
                x: float
                    X position of the central shutter
                y: float
                    Y position of the central shutter
                on_source: list of bool
                    List of booleans denoting whether a shutter should be treated as source or sky.
                    Must specify the same number of shutter positions as the slitlet_shape.
                    (not necessary for msaapphot)

    The parameters required for **soss** are:
        background_subtraction: boolean
            Toggle whether sky annulus background subtraction (True) or ideal noiseless background subtraction (False) is performed.
        order: int
            Specify which order to extract. Can be 1 or 2 with support for 3 forthcoming.

    The parameters required for **coronagraphy** are:

        target_xy: two-element list-like (float, float)
            Position of extraction aperture
        aperture_size: float
            Radius of extraction aperture in 'units'
        sky_annulus: two-element list-like (float, float)
            Inner and outer radii of sky background estimation region in 'units'
        contrast_azimuth: float
            Azimuth (west of north) at which to calculate contrast curve
        calc_type: string
            Set to "contrast", identifies that this mode requires a contrast calculation.
        pointing_error: two-element list-like (float, float)
            Amount to shift occulted source to emulate imperfect pointing
        delta_opd: float
            Change in system OPD
        scene_rotation: float, degrees
            Rotation angle to apply to scene
        psf_subtraction: string
            Can be set to "optimal" (for autoscaling subtraction), "no_autoscale" (for subtraction without autoscaling),
            "target_only" (for the science scene only and no subtraction), or "psf_only" (for the PSF subtraction source
            only, and no subtraction)
        psf_subtraction_source: Complete source dict in engine API format (see above)
            Definition of source to use for PSF subtraction. This must be set here rather than as a source in the scene.
            Position parameters must be specified, though they are ignored. Use psf_subtraction_xy to specify the
            location of the psf subtraction source relative to the scene.
        psf_subtraction_xy: two-element list-like (float, float)
            Offset to apply to psf_subtraction_source, in 'units'
        unocculted_xy: two-element list-like (float, float)
            Offset to apply to source to measure contrast between occulted and unocculted observation, in 'units'

    The parameters required for **taphot** are:

        target_xy: list-like of format (float, float)
            X and Y center position of the aperture and sky annulus.
        background_subtraction: boolean
            Choose to use background subtraction or not

    The parameters required for **tacentroid** are:

        target_xy: list-like of format (float, float)
            X and Y center position of the aperture and sky annulus.
        background_subtraction: boolean
            Choose to use background subtraction or not
        axis: string
            Direction the centroid is calculated, "x" or "y"

    The parameters required for the planned methods will be defined as the methods
    are implemented.


fake_exception: list of strings
    If present, this list is searched for control terms that cause
    perform_calculation to raise exceptions for testing purposes.
    Currently recognized strings are:

             raise PandeiaException

             raise Exception


      "normalization": {
                    "norm_flux": 0.001,
                    "norm_fluxunit": "mjy",
                    "norm_wave": 2.0,
                    "norm_waveunit": "microns",
                    "type": "at_lambda"
                "redshift": 0.0,
                "sed": {
                    "sed_type": "flat",
                    "unit": "fnu",
                    "z": 0.0
    "strategy": {
        "aperture_size": 0.2,
        "background_subtraction": true,
        "display_string": "Imaging Aperture Photometry",
        "is_aperture_ee": false,
        "method": "imagingapphot",
        "sky_annulus": [
        "target_source": "1",
        "target_type": "coords",
        "target_xy": [
        "units": "arcsec"