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The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.


Description: Contains the extended source galaxy shape parameters. All filters are matched into a single row. The positions, magnitudes, fluxes, and Sersic indices are inherited from their parent measurement in the StackModelFit tables, and are reproduced here for convenience. The major and minor axes and orientation are recalculated on a warp-by-warp basis from the best fit given these inherited properties. References: Sersic, J. L. 1963, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 6, 41.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFGiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced galaxy identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
randomForcedGalIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
galModelTypedimensionlessTINYINT1-999Galaxy model identifier.
nFilterdimensionlessTINYINT1-999Number of filters with valid model measurements.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the g filter stack that was the original detection source.
gGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for g filter measurement.
gGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for g filter measurement.
gGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the g filter measurement.
gGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the g filter measurement.
gGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (g filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
gGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for g filter measurement.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the r filter stack that was the original detection source.
rGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for r filter measurement.
rGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for r filter measurement.
rGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the r filter measurement.
rGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the r filter measurement.
rGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (r filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
rGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for r filter measurement.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the i filter stack that was the original detection source.
iGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for i filter measurement.
iGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for i filter measurement.
iGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the i filter measurement.
iGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the i filter measurement.
iGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (i filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
iGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for i filter measurement.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the z filter stack that was the original detection source.
zGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for z filter measurement.
zGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for z filter measurement.
zGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the z filter measurement.
zGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the z filter measurement.
zGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (z filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
zGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for z filter measurement.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the z filter stack that was the original detection source.
yGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for y filter measurement.
yGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for y filter measurement.
yGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the y filter measurement.
yGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the y filter measurement.
yGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (y filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
yGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for y filter measurement.