Versions Compared


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Thought Is To Do One GUI-Based Tutorial and Include One API/Astroquery Example For The Same Thing.
Search Areas We Want To Touch Upon


  1. Portal cone search
  2. Portal search by target ID (SANTA resolver, either or both a TIC ID itself and/or some other name)
  3. Spatial cross-match in the Portal starting with a user uploaded list and cross-matching with TIC
  4. Spatial cross-match starting with a TIC result table in Portal and then cross-matching with CAOM footprints or some other catalog in Portal
  5. One example of using CasJobs to do a large query on the TIC
  6. TCE- and DV-specific search in Interface X
  7. One example of getting a huge bundle of a certain type of product (e.g., all LC files for some collection of data, does that equal pre-bundled download scripts, does that equal API example, etc...TBD)
  8. FFI cutout tool example(s)
  9. At least one example of searching for a TESS HLSP alongside TESS mission data (e.g., this could be Portal cone search if there's at least one TESS HLSP in CAOM by then)
  10. Bulk downloads using pre-made DOIs by MAST
    1. brainstorm what to bundle (LCs and TPFs per sector, but separately, is an obvious choice)
  11. Exhaustive set of examples showing how to generate a URL for a given TESS data product type to then make a cURL/wget etc. from
Science Areas We Want To Touch Upon
  1. Transiting Exoplanets
  2. Asteroseismology of Red Giants
  3. Classical Variables (e.g., an RR Lyare or Cepheid)
  4. Cluster Science (e.g., k2superstamp-like things)
  5. Transients (especially supernovae)
  6. Moving Targets
  7. Compact Objects (white dwarfs)