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5 mins

1. News & announcements

  • Nestor Espinoza  submitted an abstract to the AAS session on the HAT-P-14b data, not sure if he will be going so someone else can take over the speaking slot
  • Nestor Espinoza : we have access to proprietary TSO data. it works. we are allowed to use these data for calibration or other technical study purposes. 
10min2. Status on TSO commissioning papers

  • SW: no feedback or report yet
  • LW: no news, slow progress


  • got the referee report for the paper. very positive and  shouldn't be too difficult to address. 

  • still tying up a final issue

  • see slides: slightly higher noise level than expected
  • also: saw some peaks in residuals for certain frequencies & also in trace position. have investigated this further & very interesting. One timescale returns in PSD for all measurements (trace, flux, FWHM) - 3.4 min. Subtracted the astrophysical component and persists for NIRISS, not other instruments. Also strong peak at 6.5 min. Timescales seem comparable to the heaters frequency that the wavefront sensor team sees. 
    • IEC heaters are in the ISIM, on the cold side, but they are heated
    • Everett suggests mnemonic SI_GZFGPT2AK
    • not all datasets show it. does not appear to depend on brightness or SNR.
    • Nikolay mentions similar issue in Spitzer, where battery heater timescale was adjusted to allow for better decorrelation
    • Nikolay also makes a parallel with some work on WFC3 where pre-flashing was used
    • would be good to identify the mnemonics that best allow users to decorrelate against this; as well as possibly identify ways to mitigate
    • SK will send the rateints file of the MIRI commissoining data to Nestor
5min3. TSO JDox discussion Nestor Espinoza 
  • see slides
  • SOSS: angle of pupil wheel position changes the wavelength solution slightly. have someone working on this effect to try and quantify better & update JDox (can be up to 2-3 px). it is a simple translation so easy to correct, just have to figure out how to correlate the pupil wheel pos with the data
  • SOSS: want to relax the requirements on the blocking filter exposure; this is not proving as useful as expected & will be updated in JDox. 
  • NIRCam: may reduce the recommend settling time, but perhaps this is eomthing to discuss for all instruments – Nestor Espinoza top recommendation, this should go into the Roadmap pages + update the example science cases. 
  • NIRCam: wavelength solution for time series observations. the community seems to be struggling with finding the right wavelength solution & apply it to the data. Should be made easier for the users. would be better to provide a tool or notebook that does this automatically, rather than expecting users to become experts themselves
  • NIRCam: graphical representation of the APT timeline. brought up by Stansberry recently.
  • NIRCam:  improved throughput curves for the grisms

Timing question: statistically, most exposures are taken at the started at the very beginning pf the window. This manifests as the transit not being centred in the exposure. We can add this to Jdox. 

  • MIRI: mostly documenting pipeline issues rather than changes in roadmap/operational setup. Slitless LRS has been well behaved. also updating PCEs and sat limits/sensitivities
  • NIRSpec: updating sat limits. as the aperture is small there have been some coordinate issues and the target misses the TA aperture. also as the blind pointing is good , perhaps it's better to not do TA. have had some observations where that was the case. TA images saturate very easily
  • Maybe we need need some extra warnings in APT to flag that people should add proper motions or even parallaxes
  • Coordinate issues are not TSO specific so don't really fall under our work - but good to perhaps flag to our community.
10min3. Instrument roundtable check-in
No time for check-ins today





2 mins4. Closing Remarks

Nikolay: submitted an abstract for the AAS session but based more onWFC3 observations (update to trexolist)
