Description: Contains metadata related to an individual OTA image that comprises a portion of the full exposure. The characterization of the image quality, the detrends applied, and the astrometric solution from the raw pixels (X,Y) to the detector focal plane (L,M) is provided.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
imageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID).
frameIDdimensionlessINT4NAUnique frame/exposure identifier.
ccdIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2NAOTA identifier based on location in the focal plane, specific to an individual device.
photoCalIDdimensionlessINT4NAPhotometric calibration identifier. Details in the PhotoCal table.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
biasaduREAL4-999OTA bias level.
biasScataduREAL4-999Scatter in bias level.
skyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Mean sky brightness.
skyScatJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Scatter in mean sky brightness.
nDetectdimensionlessINT4-999Number of detections in this image.
detectionThresholdmagnitudesREAL4-999Reference magnitude for detection efficiency calculation.
astroScatarcsecREAL4-999Measurement of the calibration (not astrometric error) defined to be the sum in quadrature of the standard deviations in the X and Y directions.
photoScatmagnitudesREAL4-999Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog.
nAstroRefdimensionlessINT4-999Number of astrometric reference sources.
nPhotoRefdimensionlessINT4-999Number of photometric reference sources.
recalAstroScatXarcsecREAL4-999Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the X direction.
recalAstroScatYarcsecREAL4-999Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the Y direction.
recalNAstroStarsdimensionlessINT4-999Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration.
recalphotoScatmagnitudesREAL4-999Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog.
recalNPhotoStarsdimensionlessINT4-999Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration.
nAxis1pixelsSMALLINT2-999Image dimension in x.
nAxis2pixelsSMALLINT2-999Image dimension in y.
psfModelIDdimensionlessINT4-999PSF model identifier.
psfFWHMarcsecREAL4-999Mean PSF full width at half maximum at image center.
psfWidMajorarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM at image center.
psfWidMinorarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM at image center.
psfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation at image center.
momentMajorarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis second moment.
momentMinorarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis second moment.
momentM2Carcsec^2REAL4-999Moment M2C = M_xx - M_yy.
momentM2Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Moment M2S = 2 * M_xy.
momentM3arcsec^2REAL4-999trefoil second moment = sqrt( (M_xxx - 3 * M_xyy)^2 + (3 * M_xxy - M_yyy)^2 ).
momentM4arcsec^2REAL4-999quadrupole second moment = sqrt( (M_xxxx - 6 * M_xxyy + M_yyyy)^2 + (4 * M_xxxy - 4 * M_xyyy)^2 ).
apResidmagnitudesREAL4-999Residual of aperture corrections.
dapResidmagnitudesREAL4-999Scatter of aperture corrections.
detectorIDdimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for each individual OTA detector device.
qaFlagsdimensionlessBIGINT8-999Q/A flags for this image. Values listed in ImageFlags.
detrend1dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 1, the static mask.
detrend2dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 2, the dark model.
detrend3dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 3, the flat.
detrend4dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 4, the fringe.
detrend5dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 5, the noisemap.
detrend6dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 6, the non-linearity correction.
detrend7dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 7, the video dark model.
detrend8dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Identifier for detrend image 8.
photoZeromagnitudesREAL4-999Locally derived photometric zero point for this image.
ctype1dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Name of astrometric projection in focal plane L.
ctype2dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Name of astrometric projection in focal plane M.
crval1focal plane pixelsFLOAT8-999Focal plane L corresponding to reference pixel.
crval2focal plane pixelsFLOAT8-999Focal plane M corresponding to reference pixel.
crpix1raw pixelsFLOAT8-999Reference pixel for focal plane L.
crpix2raw pixelsFLOAT8-999Reference pixel for focal plane M.;
cdelt1focal plane pixels/raw pixelFLOAT8-999Pixel scale in focal plane x.
cdelt2focal plane pixels/raw pixelFLOAT8-999Pixel scale in focal plane y.
pc001001dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and focal plane pixel L.
pc001002dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and focal plane pixel L.
pc002001dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and focal plane pixel M.
pc002002dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and focal plane pixel M.
polyOrderdimensionlessTINYINT1255Polynomial order of astrometric fit between the image pixels and the detector focal plane.
pca1x3y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for focal plane L.
pca1x2y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for focal plane L.
pca1x1y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for focal plane L.
pca1x0y3dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for focal plane L.
pca1x2y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for focal plane L.
pca1x1y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for focal plane L.
pca1x0y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for focal plane L.
pca2x3y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for focal plane M.
pca2x2y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for focal plane M.
pca2x1y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for focal plane M.
pca2x0y3dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for focal plane M.
pca2x2y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for focal plane M.
pca2x1y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for focal plane M.
pca2x0y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for focal plane M.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.