This page is meant to help users to prepare queries to download data from the PanSTARRS archive.


Where to start

To start a query for public PanSTARRS data go to

You will find these links:

Query Page: you can submit a SQL query to download catalogs from the different photometric surveys (PanSTARRS_3PI, i.e. the complete survey, PanSTARRS_M01-10, i.e. the Medium Deep Field survey, etc..). If you already prepared a query in SQL you can directly upload it by clicking on Upload Query File Form. If you are not an expert of SQL you can find some useful query examples by clicking on Query Examples Forms. Quality Flag Tool

Queued Jobs: here you will find the status of your submitted search. The Status will be Ready if it was successful, Failed if it encountered problems/errors, and Progress if it is still working on it. The search can be successful but will provide a table with 0 rows if the result of the search is null. Under the option Query there is the possibility to click on Edit and go back to the Query page and modify and/or correct the query. Under the option Result you will be able to click on the available link and eventually download the queried table.

MyDB: here you will find all the tables you queried for. You have the possibility to download them by clicking on Table Extraction Form, select one of the table from your MyDb table list, select the file format you prefer (CSV, FITS, TVCS, VOTable) and then click on Extract (Note that the CSV format table you download here uses " as separators.)


Put one or more images or figures at the top of this column. Novices may simply "Insert" an "Image" here. Experts should create first go to the "Media Repository" page and "Create" a new "PS1 image information" page for the new image. The image information page provide a mechanism for capturing metadata and including alternate versions of the figure.

Include an infobox below the picture. Summarize key facts in the infobox. The infobox helps users quickly assess the content of the article.

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