Enter a concise introduction (<300 words) that allows a user to assess whether the body of this page contains the desired information. Provide links to related topics to help the user navigate to a better page. Include terms that users might type into a search engine, if they were looking for the content on this page.


How to download PanSTARRS images

If you need to download PanSTARRS images for a region of the sky or a target access to the PS1 archive website at Space Telescope Science Institute, http://panstarrs.stsci.edu/, with your username and password. 

Then go to the Postage Stamp and Request Form page. You can sel

Both warp (single epoch) and stack (combined) images are available for the grizy filters in the 3PI survey.  The stack images are also combined to create color images.  Images may be extracted using an RA+Dec position or using an object name.  The resulting cutout images (postage stamps) are available as JPEG images within the web browser or as FITS images.  The interface also provides access to download skycell images covering larger sky regions, along with an interactive display for browsing skycell images.  Finally, there are web services that can be used for access to the images via scripts.


Put one or more images or figures at the top of this column. Novices may simply "Insert" an "Image" here. Experts should create first go to the "Media Repository" page and "Create" a new "PS1 image information" page for the new image. The image information page provide a mechanism for capturing metadata and including alternate versions of the figure.

Include an infobox below the picture. Summarize key facts in the infobox. The infobox helps users quickly assess the content of the article.

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