The JWST (STScI) Pipeline, and in particular, the steps used by its TSO-mode are in constant development. In this page, we will keep track of the proposed enhancements to the pipeline by the TSO WG. Status of each of the proposed enhancements can be:

: the step is currently an idea; might or might not have an associated Jira ticket.
: the enhancement has been officially proposed to the CalWebb WG. Discussion ongoing as to whether move it to further study or not. 
: step currently under development by the Pipeline Development Team.
: step has been implemented in the JWST pipeline.

Priorities are defined for the TSO WG:

1: Critical — will produce unusable results for TSOs.
2: High — will produce sub-optimal results for TSOs.
3: Low — will produce slightly offset results for TSOS.

Proposed enhancementBrief descriptionTODOsRelevant jira ticket (s)Meeting links where this was discussedStatusPriorityUpdate date
TSO3 Outlier Detection

Currently, the JWST pipeline does not properly use TSO information to reject outliers (e.g., jump step or current tso3 outlier rejection — see Jira tickets). Proposed to implement HST/STIS algorithm developed by Nikolay Nikolov on JWST TSO pipeline. 

  • Algorithm currently tried only on NIRCam data. Need to try it on NIRISS/SOSS, MIRI/LRS and NIRSpec/BOTs.

Problems with current TSO3 step:

CalWebb WG: 2021-05-04 Meeting Notes; 2021-01-05 Meeting Notes.

TSO WG: 2021-02-24 TSO WG Meeting notes.

2December 2, 2021
Correct jitter spectral movement prior to photom stepIf jitter is an issue during JWST observations, then the photom step will incorrectly apply photometric flux standarization to the wrong wavelengths, introducing time-dependant systematics. TSO WG reps think turning off the photom step would be ideal, but not generic solution. Correcting those jitters prior to the photom step would be a solution.
  • Need to write cross-correlation function to correct spectra.
  • Apply it to spectra; and see if this can correct photom step jitter issues.

CalWebb WG: 2021-06-01 Meeting Notes.

TSO WG: 2021-06-02 TSO WG Meeting notes.

Spectral tracingPipeline needs to perform spectral tracing of TSOs in order to record and properly extract the same portion of the spectrum at each time.