This is information for an old access mechanism for the PS1 images that is no longer support.  The current information is described in the PS1 Image Cutout Service page.  This page is retained purely for historical information.

The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.

How to download PanSTARRS images

If you need to download PanSTARRS images for a region of the sky or a target access to the PS1 archive website at Space Telescope Science Institute,, with your username and password. 

Then go to the Postage Stamp and Request Form page. You can select different surveys from which to download images by inserting a Survey ID, for example 3PI for PanSTARRS_3PI, i.e. the complete survey, or M01-10, for the Medium Deep Field survey, in the proper field. You can also select a release Name, for example 3PI.PV1, or PV2 or PV3. 

Warp images (single epoch), stacked images and difference images can be downloaded in the grizY filters in the 3PI survey. 

Images may be extracted by using coordinates (RA & DEC) or by using the image ID or the skycell ID.

The size of the cutout output images (postage stamps) can be selected in pixels or arcseconds or the entire image can be downloaded. 

The output image format available are FITS and JPEG.

PanSTARRS color image of the open cluster NGC6791