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This tutorial will show you how to quickly estimate the redshift of a target. To do this, we will take advantage of several convenient features that are available in Jdaviz; namely, data modeling, built-in spectral line lists, and a redshift slider. We'll cover these features in more detail in the sections below.

Although this tutorial uses the interface embedded into MAST, it will work with (and is identical to) the other modes of Jdaviz. Feel free to use the Jupyter Notebooks or the desktop mode to obtain similar results.

To get the most out of this tutorial, we recommend following along with the video embedded below.

Setup and Background

This tutorial does not require the installation of any additional software. You can follow this link to the Jdaviz analysis tool with the data pre-loaded. The data is also available in MAST, under the observation ID "jw01039-o005_t001_miri_ch3-shortlongmedium_". Be sure to use the Channel 3 combined data.

Our target is NGC 6225, a barred spiral galaxy with an active galactic nucleus. Our goal is to figure out the redshift of this galaxy. We can do that by using Jdaviz tools to model the observed emission lines, and matching them to their rest wavelengths. Let's get started!

Video Tutorial

The video embedded below contains the tutorial. You can also click the YouTube button (below the progress bar) to open the video in a new window.

For Further Reading...