


Meeting agenda:

  1. News & Announcements.
  2. Status of TSO Commissioning papers.
  3. Cycle 2 preparation status.
  4. Instrument round-table check-in.
  5. Closing remarks.

Discussion items

5 mins

1. News & announcements

  • Happy New Fiscal Year
  • Possible new hire in MIRI team for TSO support in next months (senior technical staff level)
  • Knicole Colon  First Results with JWST conference. Two days of science talks, then a hands-on workshop. There will be a "late" abstarct deadline in Nov so people can put in late new results. Prob a half day for exoplanets.
  • Sarah Kendrew plans to propose a hands-on session for TSOs
  • Nestor will be travelling for all of December
  • Knicole Colon there will also be a transiting exoplanets session at AAS, accepting abstracts for contributing talks
10min2. Status on TSO commissioning papers

  • SW: submitted; LW (Beatty): no significant progress

  • made some progress, but it's been slow as a lot of other work

  • Submitted

  • small final open issues to tie up - soon soon

Joint?had proposed to do a joint analysis of all the NIR observations of HAT-P-14b? probably very useful for an internal technical support. Nestor is making a start on it, starting from each instrument's rateints file.
5min3. Cycle 2 prep status

See slides!

Documentation: we may need to spend some extra attention to this in prep for the cycle 2 call. Special topics:

  • saturation limits: important for all instruments. what does it mean and how does it manifest? this includes throughput considerations. 
  • provide good advice for how to choose NGroups in exposures.
  • NIRCam, Everett Schlawin : did analysis with just 2 groups and agreed within the llimits of lower precision. do expect there will be an offset in the transit depth from changes in non-linearity. perhaps provide that info to JDocs with some context - ie if your precision requirements are not v tight then ngroups = 2 is doable.
  • MIRI, Sarah Kendrew : no dedicated TSO analysis for this. we will be updating our PCEs in teh ETC which will allow us to update our sat limits. There was a short-ramps test in commissinoing, will check with Mike Regan on outcomes of that.

Source contamination

  • is the MIRI LRS trace in Padneia good enough? Sarah Kendrew : yes it is very straight. scattered light is stronger than anticipated, so this is relevant for contamination. to first order we can consider this constant over the detector field (but we do see a some angle of incidence dependency)

Limitations on accuracy/precision

Scheduling constraints

  • do we have statistics on when exactly an exposure starts with relation to the schedulig window? could be useful to have numbers on this - for interpreting how the phase constraints exactly apply, or if observers have larger uncertainty on the ephemerides. Nikolay Nikolov does not find the argument super compelling; but yes that we need to talk to the schedulers and document what we know for users. 

Cycle 2 tools

  • Pandexo & ExoCTK will be updated once Pandeia is updated
10min3. Instrument roundtable check-in





2 mins4. Closing Remarks
See you on the next FY!