
The Pandeia Engine API may change at any time. The following information and examples are for Pandeia Engine 2.0.x only, and are not guaranteed to be accurate or functional for previous or future releases. Updates (and information about planned pending API changes) can be found on the Pandeia Engine News page.

Pandeia Engine outputs are, like the inputs, a hierarchical dictionary. They contain:

In addition, if pandeia.engine.perform_calculation() is run with the "as_fits" keyword set to True, the 1d, 2d, and 3d output dictionaries will contain data formatted as FITS HDULists.

Full API

Complete API documentation can be found in this file.


The scalar outputs are a superset of the values the Webapp produces in the Results tab.

The following code block will (given an result dictionary named 'result') print out results.

# print the scalar products with the correct units.
print("------------------\n     RESULTS    \n------------------")
for x in sorted(result["scalar"]):
    if isinstance(result["scalar"][x],float):
        basename = "{:20}: {:>10.3f}"
        basename = "{:20}: {}"

    if "time" in x:
        basename += " sec"
    elif "size" in x or "offset" in x:
        basename += " arcsec"
    elif "area" in x:  # checking this before background means the
                       # background_area will be given the correct units.
        basename += " pixel^2"
    elif "wavelength" in x:
        basename += " microns"
    elif ((("extracted" in x) or ("sky" in x)) or ("total" in x) or ("brightest" in x)) and ("integrations") not in x:
        basename += " e-/sec"
    elif "background" in x:
        basename += " MJy/sr"
    elif "cr_ramp_rate" in x:
        basename += " events/integration/pixel"

if len(result['warnings']) > 0:
    print("----------------\n  WARNINGS  \n----------------")
    for x in result['warnings']:
        print("{:20}: {}".format(x,result['warnings'][x]))

For formatted output identical to the JWST Webapp, use this code:

from textwrap import wrap

report = result['web_report']
print("-"*30 + " RESULTS " + "-"*30)
for category in report:
    print("\033[1m" + category["category"] + "\033[0m")
    for item in category["items"]:
        if "value" in item:
            namelist = wrap(item['name'], width=36, subsequent_indent="    ")
            if len(namelist) > 1:
                for i in range(len(namelist)-1):
            if "indent" in item and item["indent"]:
                namelist[-1] = "    " + namelist[-1]
            print(f"{namelist[-1]:<36} {item['value']:>16} {item['unit']:<10}")

if len(result['warnings']) > 0:
    print("----------------\n  WARNINGS  \n----------------")
    for x in result['warnings']:
        print("{:20}: {}".format(x,result['warnings'][x]))