


Meeting agenda:

  1. News & Announcements.
  2. General TSO WG work updates.
  3. Roundtable check-in.
  4. Closing remarks.

Discussion items

5 mins

1. News & announcements

Sarah Kendrewnew MIRI Branch Manager. starting May 6th and will have to step down as Deputy WG Lead; though will likely remain as member of the TSO WG until new MIRI TSO hire is in position. 

If anyone is interested in becoming Deputy Lead, please contact Nestor & Sarah

2. General TSO WG work updates

  • Discussion with engineering & telescope scientists. Q: what is the max duration of TSOs ()? Discussing the various limits. There are some electronics limits that can be bypassed. There is a max number of frames per exposure (due to SCEPs limitation) but can have > 1 exposure. 
    • there may be a 4-day limit based on pointing constraints but that can perhaps also be bypassed?
    • MR: roll drift between guide star and star trackers? this was an early concern for very long NIRSpec observations. the further away we are from the guide star the larger this effect. 
    • NE: can we measure this already in 1.5-2 days' time series?
    • scope for a small tiger team to measure these kind of drifts and potential impact?
    • danger is secondary constraints that could give unexpected consequences...

  • DO_NOT_USE pixels issues (now being set to NaNs). For NRISS we are seeing LOTS of NaN pixels. Related to bad pixel mask. 
    • NE looked at the individual pixels - their behavior seems pretty good, nothing strange is apparent. 
    • NIRSpec having the same discussion (MR: when they transferred the pixel mask from IDT to STScI version too many pixels got flagged as do_not_use - so here we know what happened). 
    • Each of the instruments have their own version of code that determines what is set as do_not_use and this pipeline change is now exposing this. NIRSpec working on a fix. 
    • would have been good to test this a bit better before releasing as it is bringing a lot of questions from the community.
    • CRs do not get set to do_not_use (if we have at least 2 groups)

  • TSO Monitor (Nikolay not here today). Still trying to work with ITSD. 

  • JWQL: Nestor and Nikolay working with Mees Fix

  • 1/f noise:
    • NE analyzing the PSDs from commissioning data and comparing against ground data
    • Testing algorithm that Loic developed - seems to be working well. 
    • Nestor starting a draft paper to submit to PASP to document this (hoping for draft in next few months)
    • ES: scaling of spectrum - do you perform a bias subtraction? (Yes. )
    • LA: tried not scaling and masking the trace instead? (yes - Doesn't work as well.)

3. Roundtable check-in

  • MIRI:
    • SK: first look at TSO data with MRS (cal program led by Drake Deming). Looks promising!
    • MR: Eddie has a fix for the 390 Hz noise - fitting waveform
    • LA: investigating excess jitter noise observed in some datasets (temporal oscillation)
    • NE: have an SSA working on NIRISS TSOs and will be working on this issue. seems to correlate with flux?
    • NE: a student will work with Nestor in the summer to build a TSO pipeline for FGS data! 🎉
  • NIRCam:
    • ES: investigating some systematics, working on correlating with temperature.
    • will present further in next TSO meeting
    • MR: temperatures are an issue with other instruments. 
    • BB: had calibration review with JWMO which included the DHS checkout. operations: DHS work has been approved, work will start soon. also new imaging filter going into TSO template. have reviewed SPAR checklist for instrument reviews; new item is persistence flagging (programs that are likely to cause persistence in the next observation). 
  • NIRSpec: had to leave but not many updates. 
    • will report next time on Leonardo's recent work 

2 mins4. Closing Remarks
