


Meeting agenda:

Discussion items

Time, minItemWhoNotes
05News & Announcements
15Previous and upcoming TSO observationsNikolay Nikolov 
  • Nikolay Nikolov presents observations archived in the last two weeks, and upcoming observations.
  • No failed past observations, at least from this quick look. Good to check if 2062 was (finally) successful, and also if observations of L98-59 worked out OK.
30TSO Coordination Team

  • Nestor Espinoza updates on the change of name from Working Group to Coordination Team. As it turns out, we have been working in the past mostly as a Coordination Team anyways (i.e., with heavy input from managers), so not much change.

  • Nestor Espinoza and Nikolay Nikolov will meet with branch managers to communicate on both plans and milestones for the current FY.

05Noise of MIRI TSO photometry
  • Nestor Espinoza shared some analysis on MIRI detector waveforms.

  • He's writing a photometry notebook for MIRI; right now performing Detector1 calibration.

  • First question he made was about firstframe, lastframe and rscd — all of which are disabled by default for TSOs. However, he finds that removing X number of groups at the beggining and Y number of groups at the end helps. Jeroen Bouwman notes this is the case for his analyses as well, and would recommend setting some of those as default.

  • Nestor Espinoza asks: what is the optimal X and Y...if any? Michael Regan notes this is group — and might be fluence — dependant. So not an easy answer. Nestor Espinoza reads the discussion in the room as that there is a need to study this in detail. 

  • Nestor Espinoza then goes on to showcase how to extract the 10 Hz signal that Michael Regan and Eddie Bergeron showcased for MIRI. Is there, but interestingly, waveform seems to oscillate a bit within groups. Michael Regan has ideas on why this might be; Nestor Espinoza notes this is nonetheless small (~10-20% of the amplitude), but will reach out offline to Eddie and Mike about it. 
  • Nestor Espinoza will investigate how variable between visits the waveform is. Michael Regan notes it shouldn't. Nestor Espinoza suggests that, overall, this should be documented — perhaps in a TR.
05Instrument roundtable check-inAll

  • Nikolay Nikolov shares status on NIRSpec calibration plans. Still expecting data for background (Zodiacal) calibration; program 4464, scheduled to get data between February-April this year for the first observation. Next one is in June. This is NIRSpec/PRISM. Because there will not be time to look the data before next round of Calibration, they will continue the program. Plan is to look at the data to see if this will have an impact on Cycle 4.

  • Nikolay Nikolov for NIRCam, there's 4450, same plan. That is happening between May-June. 
  • Nestor Espinoza reports on NIRISS. 3 background observations so far. Expending to 
  • MIRI: ongoing background program, but unsure on the current status on this. Nestor Espinoza and Nikolay Nikolov will check with Sarah Kendrew.
  • Brian Brooks mentioned calibrations for DHS; there's plan for the next cycle, but need to analyze current calibration too. There was also a calibration program for background on the commissioning target (HAT-P-14) on 1442. 
  • Nikolay Nikolov also mentions there was a call to create notebooks running the pipeline for NIRCam and NIRSpec. Nestor Espinoza has not heard about this for NIRISS, but will check.

Action items