The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is an all-sky transit survey, whose principal goal is to detect Earth-sized planets orbiting bright stars that are amenable to follow-up observations to determine planet masses and atmospheric compositions. TESS conducts high-precision photometry of more than 200,000 stars during a two-year mission with a cadence of approximately 2 minutes. These targets will be read-out as postage stamps and be made available to the community as target pixel files (TPFs) and calibrated light curves. In addition, the full image frame will be read out approximately every 30 minutes. These Full Frame Images (FFIs) will enable users to conduct photometry on any target within the 24x96 degree field-of-view.  For more information on the data products provided by the TESS mission, see the Data Product Overview section in this Archive Manual.

The Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) is a NASA-funded project to support, and provide to the public, a variety of astronomical archives, with a primary focus on scientifically related data sets in the optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared parts of the spectrum.  MAST is located at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA.  TESS is one of the missions that MAST supports, alongside other missions like the Hubble Space Telescope, James Webb Space Telescope and Kepler/K2.  MAST is an Affiliated Data Center for the Gaia mission, is the archive for the PanSTARRS project, and plays a leading role in the Virtual Observatory.  Having TESS data co-located with more than 20 other missions spanning many decades and covering many parts of the electromagnetic spectrum allows for powerful and unique searches and analyses.  For some examples, see the Data Search Tutorials section in this Archive Manual.

Quick Links

TESS Homepage at MAST:

TESS Homepage at Goddard:

TESS Homepage at MIT: