Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10min | News & Announcements | All | - Rocky Worlds Science Advisory Council has been announced
- Also first targets selected (LTT 1445 A c, GJ 3929 b) (twins to TRAPPIST-1b and c, but different stars)
- Cannot propose AR proposals in Cycle 4 for these data
- PandExo DHS functionality
- Not going to be upgrading for Cycle 4
- Too disruptive
- PandExo still consistent for other modes
- But there are some discrepancies with ETC for DHS that means we need to check with real data
- Munazza: How should people calculate transit depth precision?
- Néstor: Use the equation in the example science programs
- For help desk tickets just point people there.
| Previous and Upcoming Observations |
| - 4 successful observations, one failed for TOI-455 (Batalha)
- Lost lock of guide star (previously failed from TA failure before this!)
- TA performed with NIRCam imaging
- Repeat granted with updated NIRCam imaging
- Scheduled now for December
- Considering blind TA pointing
- Néstor and Jeff looked at this, most good within 1", but ~10 outside that
- 7 of these are bad coordinates
- 1 binary from RUWE that was misestimated
- 1 out 70 didn't have obvious issue
- General conclusion is that blind pointing could be workable, but needs investigation by NIRSpec team
- Could be weighed against other risks.
- Tony Sohn has a lot of scripts in place to take a look at blind pointing accuracy, already tested for NIRCam and NIRISS.
- Three MIRI observations this week, and three other targets later in the month.
| NIRSpec Proposed Tasks For FY2025 |
| - Coordination teams used to be working groups
- Naming, structure, and logging work has changed over the years
- Now there is more flexibility → Deciding to move tasks to Jira
- Important: TSO team has no control over FTE's, we can only recommend to the respective INS team
- So, we "make the menu" and then the managers pick.
- Also bound the projects by some specific deliverables and actions
- Starting with NIRSpec tasks
- Logged in a Kanban board
- Not all tasks are for FY2025, but recording them anyway
- Focusing not just on the tasks, but a work plan and FTE breakdown
- Discussion of tasks
- https://jira.stsci.edu/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=941&projectKey=JWSTTSO&view=detail&selectedIssue=JWSTTSO-1#
- 1) Time dependent slopes
- How does it vary, is it correlated with certain parameters?
- 2) Time correlated systematics
- Leonardo: How does it overlap with existing slope work?
- Slope is different to the high frequency noise, will be a distinct investigation
- Loïc: For SOSS, PCA on 2D image series really highlight this beating noise.
- ~3rd component is this beating from the IEC
- We often detrend using these eigenvalues.
- 3) NIRSpec backgrounds
- How significant are they, how do they vary?
- 4) Charge Migration
- 5) PandExo Accuracy
- How true to life is it? Seems optimistic from some early community analyses.
- May be related to higher metallicities and limb darkening treatment
- Loïc: Maybe point to point is okay but the extraction isn't?
- Néstor: This is likely true, when comparing ETC for individual light curve point it's pretty good.
- 6) Offsets between NRS1/2 detectors
- Is it dependent on transit depth? How significant are they?
- 7) 1/f Noise
- How best to correct for it? Test different algorithms and find out
- Loïc: Considering simulations for this?
- 8) Time-dependent slopes but as a function of wavelenghth
- Leonardo: will they all run in parallel?
- No, we will propose ranked list - not all of these will be done this year.
| Roundtable Check-In |
| Brian: - Micro-code, John has been reviewing feedback. Pipeline for MULTISTRIPE and DHS will be a little more involved, a report will be coming out soon.
Next meeting cancelled because of JWST deadline |