The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.

Description: Contains single epoch photometry of individual detections from a single exposure. The identifiers connecting the detection back to the original image and to the object association are provided. PSF, aperture, and Kron (1980) photometry are included, along with sky and detector coordinate positions. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsP2iddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS detection identifier.
detectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique detection identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
ippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
imageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID).
randomDetIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
obsTimedaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds.
xPosraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location.
yPosraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location.
xPosErrraw pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location.
yPosErrraw pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location.
pltScalearcsec/pixelREAL4-999Local plate scale at this location.
posAngledegreesREAL4-999Position angle (sky-to-chip) at this location.
radegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension.
raErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error.
decErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error.
extNSigmadimensionlessREAL40An extendedness measure based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
zpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
telluricExtmagnitudesREAL4NAEstimated Telluric extinction due to non-photometric observing conditions. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
expTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
airMassdimensionlessREAL40Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
psfFluxJanskysREAL4-999Flux from PSF fit.
psfFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error on flux from PSF fit.
psfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM.
psfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM.
psfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation.
psfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
psfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor.
psfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked.
psfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit.
psfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this detection is best fit by a PSF.
momentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx.
momentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy.
momentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy.
momentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment.
momentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting).
momentM3Carcsec^2REAL4-999Cosine of trefoil second moment term: r^2 cos(3 theta) = M_xxx - 3 * M_xyy.
momentM3Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Sine of trefoil second moment: r^2 sin (3 theta) = 3 * M_xxy - M_yyy.
momentM4Carcsec^2REAL4-999Cosine of quadrupole second moment: r^2 cos (4 theta) = M_xxxx - 6 * M_xxyy + M_yyyy.
momentM4Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Sine of quadrupole second moment: r^2 sin (4 theta) = 4 * M_xxxy - 4 * M_xyyy.
apFluxJanskysREAL4-999Flux in seeing-dependent aperture.
apFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error on flux in seeing-dependent aperture.
apFillFdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor.
apRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius.
kronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux.
kronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error on Kron (1980) flux.
kronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius.
skyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Background sky level.
skyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in background sky level.
infoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
infoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
infoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.