<!-- This sets the Confluence space background to be the Southern Crab-->
#demo_theme_background_banner {
 background-image: url("https://outerspace.stsci.edu/download/attachments/40927621/southern_crab.png?version=1&modificationDate=1556736040338&api=v2") !important;

We encourage participants to blog, tweet, and post about the conference using the hashtag #InclusiveAstro2 and our official conference emoji: 🦀

However, we ask that social media content adheres to the AAS Social Media Policy:

Please do not publicly report private conversations — only scheduled presentations and public comments are fair game for blogging, tweeting, etc.

Remember that many presentations at AAS meetings concern work that has not yet been peer-reviewed. So think twice before posting a blog entry or tweet that is critical of such work. It is helpful to receive constructive criticism during the Q&A after your talk or while standing next to your poster, but it is hurtful to be raked over the coals online before your session is even over and with no easy way to respond.

New York Times editor Bill Keller said it well. When it comes to meetings among colleagues, he explained, “We need a zone of trust, where people can say what is on their minds without fear of having an unscripted remark or a partially baked idea zapped into cyberspace. Think of it as common courtesy.”