<!-- This sets the Confluence space background to be the Southern Crab-->
#demo_theme_background_banner {
 background-image: url("https://outerspace.stsci.edu/download/attachments/40927621/southern_crab.png?version=1&modificationDate=1556736040338&api=v2") !important;

The Inclusive Astronomy 2 Conference comes in the wake of the first Inclusive Astronomy Conference in Nashville in June 2015.

It has been four years since that meeting, an event that brought astronomers together with sociologists, policy makers, and leaders in the field to discuss issues affecting underrepresented groups in astronomy.

The primary result of that conference was the Nashville Recommendations, a document which emphasizes equity and intersectionality, and builds upon a rich history of work to broaden participation and improve climates.

To see in greater detail what was discussed at the conference, see the IA1 program listing speakers and abstracts:


Video recordings of the conference sessions can be found on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlvgWTeleClZrz5rJWvlNVIAQ86IzKp4g

and a selection of presentations and print materials from the conference can be found here: https://osf.io/view/ia2015/

For more information about IA1, check out: