
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) started science operations in July 2018 and is now well into its 2-year prime mission. TESS observations have already led to the discovery of a wide range of planetary systems, including hot Jupiters, super-Earths, sub-Neptunes and potential terrestrial analogues. Those planets will be prime targets for observation with the James Webb Space Telescope. HST will play a crucial role in refining the JWST target list by providing initial characterization of selected exoplanets; those observations will require significant investment of resources, time and effort, and require an appropriate level of planning.

After consultation with the Space Telescope Users Committee, the Space Telescope Science Institute’s Director, Ken Sembach, has decided to constitute an Advisory Committee to provide counsel on how HST can best support TESS follow-up for JWST. Committee members will be drawn from the science community.


The HST-TESS Advisory Committee is charged with providing guidance on optimal strategies for maximizing the scientific return from HST observations of TESS targets. In particular, the Advisory Committee should address the following tasks:

The committee will summarize their conclusions in a report to the Director and presentations to the STUC by the fall of 2019.


April 2019

Status & updates

May 15 2019: The committee has issued a Call for White Papers - details are given here.

The committee will issue an on-line survey in June.

The aim of the Online Survey is to provide an additional channel of input for the community to the HST-TESS Advisory Committee. The White Papers are better suited for longer responses and the online survey aims to provide a low entry barrier channel. Responses from the online survey and the White Papers will be combined; therefore, community members are encouraged to submit ideas either through the White Paper process or through the online survey. Please do not submit the same ideas through both channels.

Deadline for submissions: The window for responses to the Call for White Papers and for the responses through the Online Survey closes on July 3, 2019

In addition, HST-TESS Advisory Committee members will be available for in-person meetings at most major exoplanet conferences in Summer and Fall 2019.

Questions should be sent to


Chair: Daniel Apai (Univ. Arizona)

Members: Nicolas Cowan (McGill University), Kevin Heng (Center for Space and Habitability, Bern), Laura Kreidberg (Harvard), Mercedes Lopez-Morales (Center for Astrophysics), Caroline Morley (University of Texas, Austin)

STScI contacts: Neill Reid, John Mackenty