Enhanced data products were delivered to MAST in several stages and are summarized below.
and data quality array 'c1m.fits'
files into a new 'flt.fits'
data product, similar to ACS and WFC3. These are used to produce new 'drw.fits'
drizzled data products, where the 'drw
' suffix reflects the improved WCS. These are drizzled to the scale of the PC chip (0.0455"/pix) and replace the old 'drz.fits'
products, which were drizzled to the scale of the WF chips (0.0996"/pix). For more details, see the notebook tutorial Drizzling new WFPC2 flt data products.A detailed instrument science report 'Improved Absolute Astrometry for ACS and WFC3 Data Products' describes the new WCS solutions which are present in both MAST 'standard' data products ('ipppssoot_drz.fits') and in the advanced SVM and MVM data products. Statistics are provided on the alignment fraction for each detector and the estimated uncertainties when aligning to different reference catalogs. (See ACS ISR 2022-03 or WFC3 ISR 2022-06 for more information). |
Historically, the accuracy of HST absolute astrometry has been limited primarily by uncertainties in the celestial coordinates of the guide stars as specified in the Guide Star Catalog. GSC 1.1 had nominal rms errors of ~0.5 arcsec per coordinate, with errors as large as ~1‐3 arcsec reported near the plate edges. This accuracy improved substantially in October 2005 (during Cycle 15) with the introduction of GSC 2.3.2, where rms errors per coordinate were reduced to ~0.3 arcsec over the whole sky. An updated version of the catalog (GSC 2.4.0) was released in October 2017, improving the celestial coordinates with the positions from Gaia DR1 and reducing errors to < 30mas over the entire sky. After including uncertainties in the positions of the science instruments (SIs) in the alignment of the focal plane to the Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS), the total error in HST absolute astrometry is ~1 arcsec for observations made with GSC 1.1, ~0.3 arcsec for those with GSC 2.3.2, and ~0.2 arcsec for those with GSC 2.4.0. These errors are reduced to ~10 mas for observations with a posteriori alignment to Gaia. A summary of pointing errors over the HST lifetime and the expected accuracy of the updated WCS solutions is provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Key Guide Star Catalog releases and associated errors
Catalog | Release Date | Mean Epoch of catalog positions | Typical errors | Worst errors | Total Error (including SI to FGS alignment) | Comment |
GSC 2.4.0 | Oct 2017 | 2015.0 | 0.03” | ~0.2” | GSC2.3.4 aligned to Gaia DR1 | |
GSC 2.3.3 | Oct 2009 | WFC3 installed May 2009 | ||||
GSC 2.3.2 | Oct 2005 | 1992.5 | 0.3” | 0.75” | ~0.3” | |
GSC 2.2.0 | Jun 2001 | Public Release | ||||
GSC 2.0 | Jan 2000 | Science target fields only | ||||
GSC 1.1 | Aug 1992 | 1981.8 | 0.5” | ~1” | ~1” | First version published for the user community; Used by HST operations prior to Cycle 15 |
GSC 1.0 | Jun 1989 | 1-2” |
The coordinates populated in the FITS headers of HST observations retrieved from DADS (the HST Data Archiving and Distribution Service) were derived based on the guide star coordinates in use at the time of the observation. As the accuracy in these catalogs were refined over time, the pointing accuracy of HST has also improved. Table 1 lists the catalog in use at the time of installation of the three main imaging cameras (WFPC2, ACS, and WFC3) and the typical errors at each epoch.
The goal of the HST Astrometry Project is to correct these inconsistencies in the archival data products as much as possible. As observations are processed or reprocessed in the HST pipeline, their World Coordinate System (WCS) will be updated to use the most accurate solution available. There are two types of corrections that can be performed:
Note that a priori corrections are only relevant for observations which executed prior October 2017 (eg. prior to the release of GSC 2.4.0), and these will still include small errors in the alignment of the science instruments to the HST focal plane. The a posteriori corrections are limited to imaging instruments for which there are an adequate number sources to define a reference catalog for matching. These solutions remove uncertainties in the focal plane and are expected to have the smallest absolute astrometric error.
Successfully aligning an observation to Gaia using the a posteriori processing will result in an update of the 'active' WCS of the image with the new solution and the new headerlet extension. This headerlet not only includes the WCS keywords which define the transformation from pixels to Gaia-aligned positions on the sky, but it also contains information about how this solution was derived along with the errors to be expected based on the fit.
The various WCS solutions are identified by the WCSNAME keyword found in each FITS headerlet and use the following naming convention:
wcsName = OriginalSolution - CorrectionType
where OriginalSolution may be either
and CorrectionType may have several forms
and REFcat may be one of the following when an adequate number of matches are found in the HST frame to compute the linear transformations (shift, rotation, scale) to sky coordinates:
More details on interpreting the WCS names may be found on the Astrometry in Drizzled Products page. A list of possible 'active' WCSNAME values populated in the image headers is provided in Table 2.
Table 2: Sample active WCSNAME keyword values and the corresponding WCSTYPE description. The FIT-SVM solution typically has the best relative and absolute astrometry.
OPUS | ‘distorted not aligned’ | No distortion correction has been applied; analysis of these FLT/FLC files may only be performed if corrected by the instrument-specific pixel area map |
IDC_0461802ej | ‘undistorted not aligned' | Distortion-corrected using IDCTAB reference file '0461802ej_idc.fits', but not aligned to any catalog |
IDC_0461802ej-GSC240 | ‘undistorted a priori solution based on GSC240' | Alignment based on Guide Star Catalog v2.4.0 (GSC240). Absolute errors ~0.1" |
IDC_0461802ej-HSC30 | ‘undistorted a priori solution based on HSC30’ | Alignment based on Hubble Source Catalog v3.0. HSC30 errors are typically smaller than GSC240. If both corrections are available, HSC takes precedence. |
IDC_0461802ej-FIT_IMG_catalog | ‘undistorted a posteriori solution aligned image-by-image to catalog’ | Exposures individually aligned to the reference catalog (not as a set) |
IDC_0461802ej-FIT_REL_catalog | ‘undistorted a posteriori solution relatively aligned to catalog’ | Exposures aligned to one another, and then aligned as a set to the reference catalog |
IDC_0461802ej-FIT_SVM_catalog | ‘undistorted a posteriori solution relatively aligned filter-by-filter to catalog’ | HAP-SVM solution; Exposures aligned to a reference catalog and include improved relative alignment across filters in a visit. Typically the BEST WCS |
The key to implementing improved astrometry is the use of headerlets, self-contained FITS extensions containing a WCS transformation which can be attached to a FITS file and applied to the primary WCS. MAST data processed with the Enhanced Pipeline Products code will have headerlets added as extra extensions to the FITS file. An observation can have multiple headerlets, each of which may have astrometry derived by differing methods. As HST data is processed/reprocessed, all available headerlets will be present as FITS extensions in the archived image with the best solution applied to the primary WCS. More details on how the WCS information is stored in headerlets may be found on the page Astrometry in Drizzled Products.
Once the observations are downloaded, the python notebook 'Improving Astrometry Using Alternate WCS Solutions' will familiarize users with how to check the active WCS or switch to an alternate WCS, if desired. Alternatively, the WCS solutions may be downloaded directly from MAST as separate 'hlet.fits'
headerlet files and applied to existing FITS data. Python functions for creating, updating, and applying headerlets to FITS images are described via the Headerlet User Interface.
While the majority of calibrated HST data products are now aligned to a common absolute reference frame, further improvements may be possible via manual realignment using the drizzlepac tools. This is particularly true for exposures acquired in the same visit in which the WCSNAME keyword values do not match. Additionally, the quality of the WCS may be compromised when the number of sources used for the alignment is small, e.g. the NMATCHES keyword has a value less than ~10.
For standard drizzled data products 'ipppssoot_drz.fits'
, alignment errors may be present in the following situations:
The Single Visit Mosaic drizzled data products 'hst_ipppssoo_*_drz.fits
' are therefore recommended for the best alignment across all exposures acquired in a single visit, and the WCSNAME
keywords will contain the string 'FIT_SVM
', as shown in Table 2. These WCS solutions may be downloaded as separate headerlet files, applied to standard calibrated data products ('ipppssoot_flt.fits')
and redrizzled, if desired.
An updated set of Drizzlepac tutorials have been developed for working with the new MAST data products and are compatible with the latest STScI distributed software environment stenv. |