Hello AstroGrism Product Owners, Stakeholders, and Developers!

This is the AstroGrism outerspace/confluence page. We will be placing background information, documentation, and other resources for the AstroGrism project here.

Meetings Schedule

  • Daily tagups  -  3:30 PM (email Duy Nguyen webex link)
  •  9:30 Product Owner pre-sprint planning
  •  11:00 JWST pipeline briefing
  •  2:30 Developer story point assessment
  •  4:05-4:25 Astrogrism sprint kickoff Webex (email Duy Nguyen for webex link)
  •  9:30 Grizli Q & A (email Harry Ferguson for webex link)
  •  4:30 MVP initial brainstorming (email Harry Ferguson for webex link)
  •  10-11 MVP meeting (email Harry Ferguson for webex link) 

Sprint Team

AstroGrism JIRA Project: https://jira.stsci.edu/projects/ASTROGRISM/summary

ScrumMaster: Duy Nguyen (dnguyen@stsci.edu)

Project Manager: Harry Ferguson (ferguson@stsci.edu)

Product Owner: Nimish Hathi (nhathi@stsci.edu)

Availability Chart for Sprint 1: 2020 May 12 - 2020 May 21

Hours AvailableRoleKickoff & reviewTagupsTechnical interchangesMTWThFMTWThF
Duy Nyugen80ScrumMasterYesYesgeneral

Nimish Hathi12Product ownerYesYesgeneral

Harry Ferguson20project managerYesYesgeneral

Ricky O'Steen80DeveloperYesYesgeneral

Kornpob Bhirombhakdi80PostdocYesYesaXe, aXe configuration, calibration, general

Luca Rizzi?Developer (Hawaii)YesYes

Mehdi Rezaie20Developer (Ohio)YesYesgeneral

Iva Momcheva40Consultant, stakeholderYesYesgrizli, general

Gabe Brammer20

stakeholder (Copenhagen)


Nor Pirzkal?Consultant, stakeholder YesinviteaXe, grismconf, calibration, JWST, Mirage, EM2D, Linear, MAP2D, general

Russell Ryan?Consultant, stakeholderYesinvitegrismconf, linear, general

Nadia Dencheva40ConsultantYes?JWST

Megan Sosey?ConsultantYes?JWST, aXe, grismconf

Nick Earl?ConsultantYes?grizli

Camilla Pacifici20stakeholderinviteinviteNIRISS

Erik Tollerud10stakeholder, consultantinviteinviteastropy, general, jupyter/notebook infrastructure

Steve Crawford?stakeholderinviteNo

Norman Grogin?stakeholderinviteNoACS

Swara Ravindranath10stakeholderinviteinviteNIRISS

Larry Bradley?stakeholderinviteNo

Anton Koekemoer4potential userinviteNo

Andy Fruchter4potential userinviteNo

Ray Lucas16potential userinviteNo

Marc Rafelski0potential userinviteNo

Raymond Simons?potential userinviteNo

Debopam Som?potential userYesinvitegeneral, WFC3