
Low-Hanging Fruit?

It would be good to start development work right away during the sprint, if at all possible. Even if we aren't completely certain of the end goals. This will start to get people familiar with the code bases and documentation, and make shake out some subtleties that are difficult to find without looking at the code. So what are some low-hanging fruit coding tasks?

  1. Refactor grizli | pyLINEAR | Nor's code to use JWST version of grismconf?
  2. Assess performance issues of grismconf vs. JWST pipeline version?
  3. Jupyter notebook illustrating how to do the equivalent aXedrizzle without using aXe?

Use-Cases / Workflows

1D spectral extraction for perfectly registered & perfectly calibrated data

Story: As an impatient astronomer, I just want to extract a 1D spectrum for a single source given perfectly registered images and assuming calibrations are correct. I want it fast and I don't want to think about forward modeling.

What do I need as inputs?

What does this step do for me?

Why would I not want to do this?

Simulation/Model based extraction of 1D spectrum for perfectly registered and calibrated data taken at several different orientations

Story: As a careful observer, I have taken my data at several different orientations with direct images as well. I would like to extract 1D spectra taking advantage of the observed morphology of the source in the direct image, and a first guess at its spectrum and that of the sources that may be overlapping.

What do I need as inputs?

What does this step do for me?

Why would I not want to do this?


Identify and match data sets

Geometric transformations

Astrometric registration


aXe and aXeSIM information at - https://www.stsci.edu/scientific-community/software/axe

aXeSIM relevant ISR https://www.spacetelescope.org/static/archives/stecfnewsletters/pdf/hst_stecf_0043.pdf#page=8


Background Subtraction

HST ACS sky background

ACS uses the original aXe implementation of 'Master sky image' (global background) and local background subtraction approach.
Basic method is outlined in aXe paper at
https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/596715/pdf (section 2.6)

HST WFC3 sky background

Master sky images have been provided for both G102 and G141, however the single images used by aXe do not take into account the full complexity of the sky background of grism observations. A more accurate background subtraction can be achieved by using separate images for each of the background components: zodiacal light, He I emission and scattered light (for G141).

More info at

Relevant ISRs


Relevant paper
https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/aa81cc/pdf (section 3.2.6)

Most recent 'WFC3_Back' (Nor's slides)


1D Spectral Extraction

1-D extraction
non-weighted extraction (section 3.3.2, figure 11)
optimal extraction (section 3.3.2, figure 12)
- original concept from Horne 1986

2D Spectral Extraction

2-D extraction
Simulation based extraction (SBE) details in section 3.2.4 (figure 10)

1D Forward modeling

2D Forward modeling

Combine spectra single PA

Combine spectra multiple orients
