
I have used EM2D and have located a lot of emission lines in my observations and can see that they are sometimes distributed within the object and often not simply an unresolved region at the center of the galaxy. I have used EM2D and see that some objects have large, resolved regions causing the observed emission line to appear broad and washed out in the 1D extraction. I want to use my current knowledge of the host galaxy, and the fact that using EM2D I now know the redshift of this galaxy well and with an estimate of the error in that redshift estimate. I want to see if I can, starting from no assumption about the morphology of the emission line region, reproduce all of my observations by adding 2D emission at specific wavelength. I know about LINEAR and how this can be done in a forward modeling manner that will allow me to be careful with error propagation and let me deal with small systematic error in my background subtraction, as well as handle any small uncertainties in the assumed redshift of the source.



