

Meeting agenda:

  1. Updates on TSO WG tasks for FY2020.
  2. TSO activities on each instrument branch.
  3. Exoplanet consulting expert involvement on TSO WG tasks over the summer.
  4. Overview of DMS TSO-related tasks.
  5. ExoCTK updates.

Discussion items


1. News & announcements

25min2. Updates on TSO WG tasks for Fiscal Year 2020

Pipeline readiness & preparation for TSOEveryone
  • Currently, problem with TSO3 white-light curve for NIRCam and NIRISS. Brian Hilbert asked Nikolay Nikolov to work on this, in order to have a quick-look at the data from the level 2 or 3 products from the JWST pipeline. He did an independant analysis of the data in order to extract the spectra, and try to obtain the expected signal.  

    When Nikolay looked at the level 3a data, the spectra (and white-light lightcurve) didn't make much sense. Lots of jumps, no clear transit in the recovered data. It is unclear, however, if this happened because of the flux calibration or not. When he started from the level 2 data, the uncalibrated 1D spectra looks realy good, as well as the white-light curve. Ideal would be to be able to turn off the flux calibration in order to investigate if that's the issue with the calibration pipeline, but that's not straighforward to do. Tony Keyes suggests that maybe one could trick the flux calibration by passing a unitary configuration file. In general, Sarah Kendrew mentions that changing the defaults in the configuration files might help knowing what is going on.

    Nikolay will be looking at this in more detail in order to nail down the problem that Brian Hilbert was seeing. In any case, Nestor Espinozaand Sarah Kendrew will suggest Nikolay Nikolov presents in the next CalWeb WG meeting so he can update the team on what he did, and how TSO-related data reduction works in practice in order to obtain back the ingested signal in the simulations.

Instrument & cross-instrument TSO tasksEveryone
  • Sarah Kendrew mentions current discussions going on in the MIRI team on how to add MIRI TSO resources for pipeline calibration & testing.

3. TSO activities per instrument team

5minNIRISS activities/updates
  • Nestor Espinoza to start working on testing and validating new spectral trace extraction developed by Joe F. and Kevin F.
5minNIRCam activities/updates
5minNIRSpec activities/updatesTony Keyes
  • About to start working on TA for saturated images.
5minMIRI activities/updates
  • Working on implementing aperture correction for MIRI LRS. Right now focus on LRS slit, but steps for slitless would definitely be benefited. RIA working together with Sarah on this.

4. Exoplanet consulting expert involvement on TSO WG tasks over the summer

TSO simulated data & noise limitations

Deliverable: recommendations on next steps for testing. Memo by August 28, 2020 (priority 1). Task for everyone: think on exactly what instrument/mode would benefit the most from the work of this consulting expert. Provide feedback in the next week.

JWST time stamps for TSO

Deliverable: set of recommendations on the needed accuracy of the time stamps for, e.g., atmospheric characterization and eclipse mapping of exoplanets (related to TSO WG task 4.3c; priority 2). Memo by August 28, 2020. Will work together on this with Nikolay Nikolov and Brian Brooks.


Contribution to the TSO WG discussion on requirements and specifications for the development of the tool for all JWST instrument modes (related to TSO WG task 4.6a; priority 3). Nikolay Nikolov will lead this discussion.

Synergies with between TSO and Coronographic WGs

Contribution to the discussion of synergies between the two WGs. If anyone wants to be included on this discussion, reach out to Nestor Espinoza.

5. Overview of DMS TSO-related tasks

TSO DMSWG Dashboard
  • Sarah Kendrew asked the DMS WG to update
  • Task for everyone: help with the prioritization of unprioritized tickets. 

6. ExoCTK task updates

Train new ExoCTK leads (Task-015)

Address liens (Task-016)

Make tools officially supported (Task-017)

Closing remarks of the meeting
NIRCam TSO Calibration Target: Eclipsing Binary HD-140982 (subject to change) 

Action items