


Meeting agenda:

  1. News & announcements.
  2. TSO oulier detection algorithm updates (Nikolay, Sarah).
  3. Updates on 1/f noise analyses (all).
  4. Closing remarks

Discussion items

5 mins

1. News & announcements


2. TSO oulier detection algorithm updates

See  and slides from previous meeting for an illustration of the problem.

30min3. Updates on 1/f noise analyses

  • Nestor Espinoza gave a presentation on the first part of our analysis, done on the NIRCam darks, which can be found in this repository. The idea is that with this notebook, folks can reproduce the analyses on NIRSpec and NIRISS.

    He reproduces Figure 4 on Everett's paper. The only change he proposes to that analysis is that instead of cutting outliers by using a threshold of 80 counts, one uses some outlier-resistant metric to estimate the dispersion of the flux counts like the median-absolute deviation, and uses that to perform n-sigma rejection of outlier pixel values. He compared that in his notebook and obtained the same results as Everett's. He reminds everyone that the full description of that paper and the analysis we are performing can be found on our December 6th meeting notes.

5min4. Closing remarks