This tutorial will show you how to retrieve pre-constructed cURL scripts to download all target pixel, light curve, and data validation files across all Sectors for a given Guest Investigator program.
Step 1 - Visit The Bulk Downloads Page: The first step is to visit the Bulk Downloads Page for TESS at MAST. Included on this page is a section to download target pixel, light curve, and data validation files by proposal ID (Item #1).
Step 2 - Download The Bulk Download Script: The link at the top of the table (Item #1) points to the Approved Programs list at the TESS Science Support Center (TSSC), which includes all approved programs across all Sectors. The links in the first column (Item #2) will take you to a target list table (text file) at the TSSC, which includes the title, principal investigator, and abstract of the proposal. The links in the third column (Item #3) will download a shell script containing all the cURL commands needed to download the target pixel, light curve, and data validation files for the program across all Sectors.
Step 3 - Make The Script Executable And Run It: Once you have downloaded the file, make it executable (on Linux/Mac you can run a "chmod" command) and then run the file and your downloads will begin. The files will be saved on disk in the same location you ran the script from.