Hubble Space Telescope is a general purpose observatory that continues to make significant contributions to our understanding across a wide range of scientific topics. From time to time, STScI supports initiatives focused on specific areas, generally involving Working Groups or Advisory Committees drawn from the community. These include the following:

  • Hubble Second Decade Committee (1998-2000)
  • HST-ACS Ultra Deep Field (2003-4)
  • Multi-Cycle Treasury Programs (2010)
  • HST Deep Fields Working Group: Frontier Fields Program (2012)
  • Solar System Advisory Committee (2014)
  • Exoplanet Advisory Committee (2016)
  • HST Observations of Europa Advisory Committee (2017)
  • Fundamental Physics with Hubble Working Group (2017)
  • HST-LIGO Follow-up Working Group (2018)
  • HST Ultraviolet Legacy DD program (2019)
  • HST-TESS Advisory Committee (2019)
  • Dual Anonymous Review Workshop (September 25, 2019)
  • Strategic Exoplanet Initiatives with HST and JWST (2023)
  • Long-term Variability Monitoring Strategies for HST and JWST (2023)
  • JWST and HST: Equitable Data Access and Team Recognition

Further details on each initiative can be found on the pages linked from the page-tree: