This page archives Slack comments from the splinter session on image alignment of the Improving JWST Data Products Workshop (IJDPW).

Macarena Garcia Marin

Thanks very much for taking part of the image alignment exercise! We will kick this off on Friday at 9am, in the Boardroom. For those not familiar with the Muller building I expect we will meet first at the Auditorium. Below Im adding a few notes that I shared by email with those Im aware will be participating. Sharing it here in case I missed anyone.

Splinter objectives:

  • Compare the pipeline output of a Carina Nebula mosaic (or a few tiles) with the products in MAST.
  • PID2731. Find program details here
  • If you check the APT file, Observation 1 is NIRCam (3 filters, 2x2 tiles), Observation 2 is MIRI (4 filters, 1x4 tiles)
  • In the attached figure, kindly provided by Mattia, the red circles mark Gaia DR3 targets. You will see that the MAST products, to the left, are badly misaligned. The right is Mattia’s manual alignment to the Gaia DR3.
  • Discuss pipeline shortcomings and understand if any of your tools and strategies could be successfully implemented to improve it.
  • Considerations:
  • Time performance
  • Algorithm flexibility, i.e. does it only run for specific datasets/instruments?
  • How much better does you code perform the alignment?
  • How much “human intervention” is needed?

if imaging is not your area of "alignment expertise" let me know and will find a good alternative

Thomas Williams

top is the PHANGS approach, bottom is the MAST products

Macarena Garcia Marin

that looks really neat. I know you cant join tomorrow. Could you give an estimate of how well aligned yours are? e.g. by comparing with Gaia?

Thomas Williams

I haven’t done any alignment to Gaia here, so no idea

Varun Bajaj

Here's a link to my PSF fitting package (it has some docs, but the example notebook is a good starting point)

GitHub - Vb2341/One-Pass-Fitting: One Pass style Point Spread Function fitting, and utilities for calibrating and combining catalogs.
One Pass style Point Spread Function fitting, and utilities for calibrating and combining catalogs. - GitHub - Vb2341/One-Pass-Fitting: One Pass style Point Spread Function fitting, and utilities f... 

Varun Bajaj

One issue I've found in the TweakRegStep is when using the expand_refcat option, even if the alignment for an image fails, it still adds the sources from that image to the reference catalog (but those sources aren't aligned!  this breaks the astrometric consistency of the reference catalog).  That means the following images can then lock onto the sources from the unaligned image, causing a cascade of misalignments.  I'll open up an issue on github after a bit more testing, but it's a PSA for others doing alignment 

Anton Kekemoer

Thanks Varun, this defintiely sounds like a bug (or non-optimal behavior at least) - could you perhaps file this as a help ticket or JP bug ticket (if you haven’t yet) so that Howard and the other software folks can look into it perhaps? thanks again!

Varun Bajaj

Sure- do the developers prefer github issues, help desk tickets, or jira tickets?  I'll put it wherever its easier for internal folks to track

Anton Kekemoer

helpdesk ticket is commonly done at the moment, where the key is to have a detailed enough subject line, eg here you might have the subject as something like “bug in jwst pipeline tweakreg behavior for expand_refcat option”

(then this would generally lead to a JP ticket + github issue being created to track the fix)

James Davies

Yeah, I’ve seen this bug too when aligning the F470N data in CEERS pointings.

I have not filed an issue yet. But GitHub or Jira JP project is the place. It’s a bug in the pipeline code.

Varun Bajaj

Will do- its unfortunate because it makes you think it's working better than it actually is

Macarena Garcia Marin

Thanks to those who joined the image alignment splinter. It was a very lively discussion that resulted in a list of recommendations

  • Use PSF fitting to generate the catalogue to be used in the alignment (Varun’s package
  • Make the matching more robust (Armin)
  • Make tweakreg more modular, ability to stop, check the results and continue (Armin working on that for JHAT)
  • It would be very useful if the pipeline could generate alignment plots a-la-JHAT
  • Have tweakreg with the option to align everything to the reference catalogue
  • Guider-related:
    • We should have the necessary infrastructure for the guider team to evaluate if a certain visit locked into the wrong guide star. This leads to large errors and bad alignment. Users should be warned about such situations, and notebooks on how to fix the issue.
    • Improve the reconstruction of the observatory V2V3 and roll angle.
    • Link the analysis of the science images to the guider, to improve the alignment outcome
    • Guider uses triads, how about asterisms? FSW guider challenging
  • JDox page on alignment strategies, and provide notebook for observers to deal with aligning issues.
  • Coronagraphy:
    • On the operations side have a more robust and repeatable TA (new SIAF, pixel offset)
    • JHAT working on alignment improvements, these could be ported to the pipeline. Coronagrpahic users generally don’t use distortion map. Demonstrate that using it will yield better results and share that with community.
    • Have products that informs on the alignment quality.
    • Mark the position of the star on the end product.

In addition, while running the Carina exercise Varun run into a TweakReg bug (in the explan_Ref catalog, see above). He will open a github issue after some additional testing

Julien Girard

Mattia’s paper on MIRI imaging, they get an error on the pixel scale measurement < 0.4µas :exploding_head:, well done!
Of course this is with ePSF fitting. High-precision astrometry and photometry with the JWST/MIRI imager

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