



  • News & Announcements (all)
  • TSO upcoming observations (Nikolay Nikolov)
  • Instrument Roundtable Check-in (all)

Discussion items

5minNews & Announcements

10minTSO upcoming observations

  • Update on TSO monitor: now includes fractional year so observations can nicely be ordered!
  • Not much TSOs happening in the next few weeks. Knicole Colon asks if this is related to phase 2 submissions — Nestor Espinoza suggests this should not be the case, as programs that were spun up earlier in the planning window got "expedited" reviews.

5minInstrument Roundtable Check-in

NIRCam updates:

  • Discussion on new readout modes.

NIRISS updates: 

  • Added background on PID 2113; this would allow to test different background substraction strategies. Nestor Espinoza mentions that these are done before the TSOs to avoid persistence from the science target afterwards. This implies, however, background will have a different pupil position angle than the actual TSO. Nikolay Nikolov asks about taking an observation of the target in the Full Frame to figure out this rotation angle; Nestor Espinoza notes figuring out the position angle is not really an issue — rotating the background image is something that has not been done, however.

  • Loic Albert also spun up discussion about past NIRISS failures. 


  • Discussed briefly cases on which updates on targets define wrong coordinates and/or targets for TA/science targets. 

Action items
