
Slides & Recording

Slides: Please contact the TSO CT Leads (Nestor Espinoza, Munazza Alam, Aarynn Carter) for a link to the slides.

Meeting recording: 



  • News & Announcements

Discussion items



News & AnnouncementsEspinoza
  • getting started rolling out the Rocky Worlds DDT program here at STScI, Hannah & Nestor are meeting with the program sub-group leads this week and will roll out info on the larger team later this week  
  • IDL code for the TSO monitor is no longer being updated, we have been using the public JWST schedule to gather the info on recent TSO observations for now   

Previous & upcoming TSO observationsEspinoza, Carter
  • lots of recent TSOs, including: Grand Tour observations of HAT-P-1b, TRAPPIST-1, TOI-125 (although part of the transit was missed due to TTVs), TOI-451, TOI-1468, LTT3780
  • upcoming: TRAPPIST-1 observations taken with NIRSPEC yesterday 
  • TTRB highlights: 
    • request to increase the time allocation for a WD-BD binary to increase the settling time following reviewer recommendation 
    • WASP-6 guide star failture (GS was a galaxy)
    • guide star failure for Claringbold program (pointing error)
    • NIRCam pre-imaging of TA star for LTT1445Ab COMPASS observations
      • this method was chosen over NIRSpec blind pointing due to outliers (recent TR on this here)

MIRI slitless subarray position changeDiamond-Lowe
  • the MIRI team has discussed changing the position of the slitless subarray, users use short (<6 groups) integrations which doesn't provide enough coverage in the phase solution - really need something like 8 groups per integration
    • NIRCam changes sub-arrays every other delivery so there is precedent for how to handle this 
  • other options on the table: e.g., bigger frames, smaller frame time - Michael Regan will present at a future meeting all of the options discussed  
  • alternating column depth in the time-series (cleaned up nicely by the EMI in the integrations), but this noise is still present at the light curve level - would the subarray change address this better than the EMI?
  • how would the subarray change affect the background subtraction methods?
  • the subarray change would also remove the higher frequency resonances that are present in MIRI data at the 390 Hz level  

JWST pipeline ramp fitting investigationCarter
  • biases in ramp fitting can make a big difference when looking for 10s of ppm level signals
  • currently the pipeline uses a 2-point difference method for the jump detection, ramp fitting uses OLS method with weighting up-the-ramp - but the weighting is discretized 
  • goal of this work: extend discretized weighted to a continuous framework using a generalized covariance matrix from differenced groups to determine count rate, exclude individual reads to identify jumps in ramp
  • 2 scenarios: default pipeline, likelihood fitting (experimental jump fitting) 
  • default makes a difference in SOSS data as seen in 2D frames + at the WLC level (~200 ppm differences) and at the transmission spectrum level (~200 ppm differences)
  • simulated data with different noise prescriptions
    • pristine (no noise): different scenarios have no difference 
    • poisson noise: no difference either, Gaussian scatter in noise
    • white noise: no meaningful effect either, with slight bias toward overestimating transit depth for fainter regions
    • 1/f noise: significant non-Gaussian scatter with ~25 ppm differences in the faintest regions (likelihood method performs better here)
    • all noise: scatter is still non-Gaussian, likelihood performs better by eye with ~25 ppm residuals in the faintest regions  
  •  recommendation: likelihood method should be the default for SOSS
  • jump/ramp fitting is driving my Poisson & 1/f noise 
  • caveats: did not explore NIRISS backgrounds, CR effects, using simple subtraction apertures 

TSO notebook sprint (initial announcement)Carter
  • sprint to check pipeline versions and affect of extract data, precisions, etc 
  • goals: set of notebooks and supporting functions so anyone can run perform pipeline checks
  • when? either last week of Feb or first week of Apr
  • not necessarily a new in-house pipeline, would not supersede the default pipeline 
  • will cover lots of modes! 
  • NIRISS SOSS, NIRCam LW grism, NIRSpec prism & G395H, MIRI photometry & LRS  

Closing remarks

Action items