This page describes the contents of the PanSTARRS-1 observational metadata database tables. These tables include information on the observations that contributed to the PS1 survey, including observation date, exposure time, filter, seeing, etc. Other tables include information on secondary data products such as the list of images that contribute to stacks. The information is not specific to individual objects but may be useful in understanding the images and catalogs. The descriptions are extracted from the PSPS Schema Browser interface created by the University of Hawaii.
Tables included in DR1
Description: Contains the mapping of which input images were used to construct a particular stack. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description stackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier. imageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID).
Description: Contains the mapping of input frames used to construct a particular stack along with processing stats. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description stackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier. frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Unique frame/exposure identifier. scaleFactor dimensionless REAL 4 0 normalization factor applied to input image before stacking. zp magnitudes REAL 4 0 Photometric zeropoint. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. expTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. airMass dimensionless REAL 4 0 Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
Description: Contains the metadata describing the stacked image produced from the combination of a set of single epoch exposures. The nature of the stack is given by the StackTypeID. The astrometric and photometric calibration of the stacked image are listed. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description stackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier. batchID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Internal database batch identifier. surveyID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. filterID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. stackTypeID dimensionless TINYINT 1 0 Stack type identifier. Details in the StackType table. tessID dimensionless TINYINT 1 0 Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. projectionID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -1 Projection cell identifier. skyCellID dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Skycell region identifier. photoCalID dimensionless INT 4 NA Photometric calibration identifier. Details in the PhotoCal table. analysisVer dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP software analysis release version. md5sum dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP MD5 Checksum. expTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. nP2Images dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Number of input exposures/frames contributing to this stack. detectionThreshold magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Reference magnitude for detection efficiency calculation. astroScat dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the calibration (not astrometric error) defined to be the sum in quadrature of the standard deviations in the X and Y directions. photoScat dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog. nAstroRef dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources. nPhotoRef dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of photometric reference sources. recalAstroScatX arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the X direction. recalAstroScatY arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the Y direction. recalNAstroStars dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration. recalphotoScat magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog. recalNPhotoStars dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration. psfModelID dimensionless INT 4 -999 PSF model identifier. psfFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 Mean PSF full width at half maximum at image center. psfWidMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM at image center. psfWidMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM at image center. psfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation at image center. photoZero magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Locally derived photometric zero point for this stack. ctype1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in right ascension. ctype2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in declination. crval1 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel. crval2 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination corresponding to reference pixel. crpix1 sky pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for right ascension. crpix2 sky pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for declination. cdelt1 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in right ascension. cdelt2 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in declination. pc001001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and right ascension. pc001002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and right ascension. pc002001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and declination. pc002002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and declination. processingVersion dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Data release version.
Description: Contains the detection efficiency information for a given stacked image. Provides the number of recovered sources out of 500 injected sources for each magnitude bin and statistics about the magnitudes of the recovered sources for a range of magnitude offsets. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description stackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier. magref magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency reference magnitude. nInjected dimensionless INT 4 NA Number of fake sources injected in each magnitude bin. offset01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 1. counts01 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 1. diffMean01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 1. diffStdev01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 1. errMean01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 1. offset02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 2. counts02 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 2. diffMean02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 2. diffStdev02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 2. errMean02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 2. offset03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 3. counts03 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 3. diffMean03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 3. diffStdev03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 3. errMean03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 3. offset04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 4. counts04 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 4. diffMean04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 4. diffStdev04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 4. errMean04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 4. offset05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 5. counts05 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 5. diffMean05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 5. diffStdev05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 5. errMean05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 5. offset06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 6. counts06 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 6. diffMean06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 6. diffStdev06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 6. errMean06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 6. offset07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 7. counts07 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 7. diffMean07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 7. diffStdev07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 7. errMean07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 7. offset08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 8. counts08 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 8. diffMean08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 8. diffStdev08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 8. errMean08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 8. offset09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 9. counts09 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 9. diffMean09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 9. diffStdev09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 9. errMean09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 9. offset10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 10. counts10 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 10. diffMean10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 10. diffStdev10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 10. errMean10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 10. offset11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 11. counts11 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 11. diffMean11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 11. diffStdev11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 11. errMean11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 11. offset12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 12. counts12 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 12. diffMean12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 12. diffStdev12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 12. errMean12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 12. offset13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 13. counts13 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 13. diffMean13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 13. diffStdev13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 13. errMean13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 13.
Tables not included in DR1
The tables below are not part of the DR1 database, but their descriptions are included for completeness.
Description: Contains metadata related to an individual exposure. A "Frame" refers to the collection of all images obtained by the 60 OTA devices in the camera in a single exposure. The camera configuration, telescope pointing, observation time, and astrometric solution from the detector focal plane (L,M) to the sky (RA,Dec) is provided. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Unique frame/exposure identifier. frameName dimensionless VARCHAR(32) 32 NA Frame/exposure name provided by the camera software. surveyID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. filterID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. ippChipID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP chipRun identifier. ippCamID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP camRun identifier. ippWarpID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP warpRun identifier. cameraID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA Camera identifier. Details in the CameraConfig table. cameraConfigID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA Camera configuration identifier. Details in the CameraConfig table. telescopeID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA Telescope identifier. analysisVer dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP software analysis release version. md5sum dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP MD5 Checksum. nOTA dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Number of valid OTA images in this frame/exposure. photoScat magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog across the full field of view. nPhotoRef dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of photometric reference sources. expStart days FLOAT 8 -999 Modified Julian Date at the start of the exposure. expTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. airmass dimensionless REAL 4 0 Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. raBore degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension of telescope boresight. decBore degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination of telescope boresight. ctype1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in right ascension. ctype2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in declination. crval1 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel. crval2 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination corresponding to reference pixel. crpix1 focal plane pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for right ascension. crpix2 focal plane pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for declination. cdelt1 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in right ascension. cdelt2 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in declination. pc001001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel L and right ascension. pc001002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel M and right ascension. pc002001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel L and declination. pc002002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel M and declination. polyOrder dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Polynomial order of astrometric fit between the detector focal plane and the sky. pca1x3y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for right ascension. pca1x2y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for right ascension. pca1x1y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for right ascension. pca1x0y3 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for right ascension. pca1x2y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for right ascension. pca1x1y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for right ascension. pca1x0y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for right ascension. pca2x3y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for declination. pca2x2y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for declination. pca2x1y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for declination. pca2x0y3 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for declination. pca2x2y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for declination. pca2x1y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for declination. pca2x0y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for declination. batchID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Internal database batch identifier. processingVersion dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Data release version.
Description: Contains metadata related to an individual OTA image that comprises a portion of the full exposure. The characterization of the image quality, the detrends applied, and the astrometric solution from the raw pixels (X,Y) to the detector focal plane (L,M) is provided. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description imageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID). frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Unique frame/exposure identifier. ccdID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA OTA identifier based on location in the focal plane, specific to an individual device. photoCalID dimensionless INT 4 NA Photometric calibration identifier. Details in the PhotoCal table. filterID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. bias adu REAL 4 -999 OTA bias level. biasScat adu REAL 4 -999 Scatter in bias level. sky Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Mean sky brightness. skyScat Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Scatter in mean sky brightness. nDetect dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of detections in this image. detectionThreshold magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Reference magnitude for detection efficiency calculation. astroScat arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the calibration (not astrometric error) defined to be the sum in quadrature of the standard deviations in the X and Y directions. photoScat magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog. nAstroRef dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources. nPhotoRef dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of photometric reference sources. recalAstroScatX arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the X direction. recalAstroScatY arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the Y direction. recalNAstroStars dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration. recalphotoScat magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog. recalNPhotoStars dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration. nAxis1 pixels SMALLINT 2 -999 Image dimension in x. nAxis2 pixels SMALLINT 2 -999 Image dimension in y. psfModelID dimensionless INT 4 -999 PSF model identifier. psfFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 Mean PSF full width at half maximum at image center. psfWidMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM at image center. psfWidMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM at image center. psfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation at image center. momentMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis second moment. momentMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis second moment. momentM2C arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Moment M2C = M_xx - M_yy. momentM2S arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Moment M2S = 2 * M_xy. momentM3 arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 trefoil second moment = sqrt( (M_xxx - 3 * M_xyy)^2 + (3 * M_xxy - M_yyy)^2 ). momentM4 arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 quadrupole second moment = sqrt( (M_xxxx - 6 * M_xxyy + M_yyyy)^2 + (4 * M_xxxy - 4 * M_xyyy)^2 ). apResid magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Residual of aperture corrections. dapResid magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Scatter of aperture corrections. detectorID dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for each individual OTA detector device. qaFlags dimensionless BIGINT 8 -999 Q/A flags for this image. Values listed in ImageFlags. detrend1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 1, the static mask. detrend2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 2, the dark model. detrend3 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 3, the flat. detrend4 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 4, the fringe. detrend5 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 5, the noisemap. detrend6 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 6, the non-linearity correction. detrend7 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 7, the video dark model. detrend8 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Identifier for detrend image 8. photoZero magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Locally derived photometric zero point for this image. ctype1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in focal plane L. ctype2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in focal plane M. crval1 focal plane pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Focal plane L corresponding to reference pixel. crval2 focal plane pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Focal plane M corresponding to reference pixel. crpix1 raw pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for focal plane L. crpix2 raw pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for focal plane M.; cdelt1 focal plane pixels/raw pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in focal plane x. cdelt2 focal plane pixels/raw pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in focal plane y. pc001001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and focal plane pixel L. pc001002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and focal plane pixel L. pc002001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and focal plane pixel M. pc002002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and focal plane pixel M. polyOrder dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Polynomial order of astrometric fit between the image pixels and the detector focal plane. pca1x3y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for focal plane L. pca1x2y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for focal plane L. pca1x1y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for focal plane L. pca1x0y3 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for focal plane L. pca1x2y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for focal plane L. pca1x1y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for focal plane L. pca1x0y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for focal plane L. pca2x3y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for focal plane M. pca2x2y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for focal plane M. pca2x1y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for focal plane M. pca2x0y3 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for focal plane M. pca2x2y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for focal plane M. pca2x1y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for focal plane M. pca2x0y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for focal plane M. processingVersion dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Data release version.
Description: Contains the detection efficiency information for a given individual OTA image. Provides the number of recovered sources out of 500 injected fake source and statistics about the magnitudes of the recovered sources for a range of magnitude offsets. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description imageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID). frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Unique frame/exposure identifier. magref magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency reference magnitude. nInjected dimensionless INT 4 NA Number of fake sources injected in each magnitude bin. offset01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 1. counts01 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 1. diffMean01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 1. diffStdev01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 1. errMean01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 1. offset02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 2. counts02 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 2. diffMean02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 2. diffStdev02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 2. errMean02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 2. offset03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 3. counts03 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 3. diffMean03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 3. diffStdev03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 3. errMean03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 3. offset04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 4. counts04 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 4. diffMean04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 4. diffStdev04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 4. errMean04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 4. offset05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 5. counts05 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 5. diffMean05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 5. diffStdev05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 5. errMean05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 5. offset06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 6. counts06 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 6. diffMean06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 6. diffStdev06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 6. errMean06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 6. offset07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 7. counts07 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 7. diffMean07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 7. diffStdev07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 7. errMean07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 7. offset08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 8. counts08 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 8. diffMean08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 8. diffStdev08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 8. errMean08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 8. offset09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 9. counts09 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 9. diffMean09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 9. diffStdev09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 9. errMean09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 9. offset10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 10. counts10 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 10. diffMean10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 10. diffStdev10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 10. errMean10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 10. offset11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 11. counts11 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 11. diffMean11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 11. diffStdev11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 11. errMean11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 11. offset12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 12. counts12 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 12. diffMean12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 12. diffStdev12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 12. errMean12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 12. offset13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 13. counts13 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 13. diffMean13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 13. diffStdev13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 13. errMean13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 13.
Description: Contains the mapping of which input images were used to construct a particular difference image. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description diffImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique difference identifier. imageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID).
Description: Contains the mapping of which input image comprises a particular warp image used for forced photometry. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description forcedWarpID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique forced warp identifier. imageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID).
Description: Contains metadata related to a difference image constructed by subtracting a stacked image from a single epoch image, or in the case of the MD Survey from a nightly stack (stack made from all exposures in a single filter in a single night). The astrometric calibration of the reference stack is listed. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description diffImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique difference identifier. batchID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Internal database batch identifier. surveyID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. filterID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. diffTypeID dimensionless TINYINT 1 0 Difference type identifier. Details in the DiffType table. frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Frame/exposure identifier for the postitive image in warp-stack difference images; not populated for stack-stack differences. posImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Image identifier for the positive image. For warp-stack difference images, this corresponds to the ForcedWarpToImage.forcedWarpID entry. For stack-stack difference images, this corresponds to StackMeta.stackImageID. negImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Image identifier for the negative image. For warp-stack difference images, this corresponds to the StackMeta.stackImageID entry. ippDiffID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP diffRun identifier. tessID dimensionless TINYINT 1 0 Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. projectionID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -1 Projection cell identifier. skyCellID dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Skycell region identifier. photoCalID dimensionless INT 4 NA Photometric calibration identifier. Details in the PhotoCal table. analysisVer dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP software analysis release version. md5sum dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP MD5 Checksum. detectionThreshold magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Reference magnitude for detection efficiency calculation. expTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of positive image. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. psfModelID dimensionless INT 4 -999 PSF model identifier. psfFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 Mean PSF full width at half maximum at image center. psfWidMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM at image center. psfWidMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM at image center. psfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation at image center. kernel dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Subtraction kernel. mode dimensionless TINYINT 1 0 Subtraction mode for which input to convolve. numStamps dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of stamps. stampDevMean dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Mean stamp deviation. stampDevRMS dimensionless REAL 4 -999 RMS stamp deviation. normalization dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Normalization. convolveMax dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Maxiumum convolution fraction. deconvolveMax dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Maximum deconvolution fraction. ctype1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in right ascension. ctype2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in declination. crval1 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel. crval2 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination corresponding to reference pixel. crpix1 sky pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for right ascension. crpix2 sky pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for declination. cdelt1 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in right ascension. cdelt2 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in declination. pc001001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and right ascension. pc001002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and right ascension. pc002001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and declination. pc002002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and declination. processingVersion dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Data release version.
Description: Contains the detection efficiency information for a given individual difference image. Provides the number of recovered sources out of 500 injected sources and statistics about the magnitudes of the recovered sources for a range of magnitude offsets. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description diffImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique difference image identifier. magref magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency reference magnitude. nInjected dimensionless INT 4 NA Number of fake sources injected in each magnitude bin. offset01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 1. counts01 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 1. diffMean01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 1. diffStdev01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 1. errMean01 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 1. offset02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 2. counts02 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 2. diffMean02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 2. diffStdev02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 2. errMean02 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 2. offset03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 3. counts03 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 3. diffMean03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 3. diffStdev03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 3. errMean03 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 3. offset04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 4. counts04 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 4. diffMean04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 4. diffStdev04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 4. errMean04 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 4. offset05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 5. counts05 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 5. diffMean05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 5. diffStdev05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 5. errMean05 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 5. offset06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 6. counts06 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 6. diffMean06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 6. diffStdev06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 6. errMean06 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 6. offset07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 7. counts07 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 7. diffMean07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 7. diffStdev07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 7. errMean07 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 7. offset08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 8. counts08 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 8. diffMean08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 8. diffStdev08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 8. errMean08 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 8. offset09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 9. counts09 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 9. diffMean09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 9. diffStdev09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 9. errMean09 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 9. offset10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 10. counts10 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 10. diffMean10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 10. diffStdev10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 10. errMean10 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 10. offset11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 11. counts11 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 11. diffMean11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 11. diffStdev11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 11. errMean11 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 11. offset12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 12. counts12 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 12. diffMean12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 12. diffStdev12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 12. errMean12 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 12. offset13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency magnitude offset for bin 13. counts13 dimensionless REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency count of recovered sources in bin 13. diffMean13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude difference in bin 13. diffStdev13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency standard deviation of magnitude differences in bin 13. errMean13 magnitudes REAL 4 NA Detection efficiency mean magnitude error in bin 13.
Description: Contains the metadata related to a sky-aligned distortion corrected warp image, upon which forced photometry is performed. The astrometric and photometric calibration of the warp image are listed. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description forcedWarpID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique forced warp identifier. batchID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Internal database batch identifier. surveyID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. filterID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Frame/exposure identifier of the Frame associated with this warp. ippSkycalID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP skycal identifier for the run that generated the positions for forced photometry. stackMetaID dimensionless INT 4 NA Identifier for the stack which yielded the positions for forced photometry. tessID dimensionless TINYINT 1 0 Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. projectionID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -1 Projection cell identifier. skyCellID dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Skycell region identifier. photoCalID dimensionless INT 4 NA Photometric calibration identifier. Details in the PhotoCal table. analysisVer dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP software analysis release version. md5sum dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP MD5 Checksum. expTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the source frame/exposure for this warp image. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. recalAstroScatX arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the X direction. recalAstroScatY arcsec REAL 4 -999 Measurement of the re-calibration (not astrometric error) in the Y direction. recalNAstroStars dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration. recalphotoScat magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog. recalNPhotoStars dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of astrometric reference sources used in recalibration. psfModelID dimensionless INT 4 -999 PSF model identifier. psfFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 Mean PSF full width at half maximum at image center. psfWidMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM at image center. psfWidMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM at image center. psfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation at image center. photoZero magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Locally derived photometric zero point for this warp image. ctype1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in right ascension. ctype2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in declination. crval1 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel. crval2 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination corresponding to reference pixel. crpix1 sky pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for right ascension. crpix2 sky pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for declination. cdelt1 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in right ascension. cdelt2 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in declination. pc001001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and right ascension. pc001002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and right ascension. pc002001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and declination. pc002002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and declination. processingVersion dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Data release version.