

Agenda 1: Participating in Space Apps Challenge 2020

We will not participate in the Space Apps Challenge this year, since some of us will be unavailable during the event.

Agenda 2: How should we organize a hackathon?

We would like to invite someone experienced in organizing hackathon to tell us about their experiences. We agreed on trying to make this as a colloquium (institute) level, instead of a closed group level. Jesse Doggett will find out how to approach this.

Agenda 3: Names of experienced hackathon organizers

We would like to have a list of names for experienced hackathon organizers whom we would like i) to invite for a talk (see Agenda 2), or ii) to collaborate in the future events. We will have a page setup in this outerspace.

Agenda 4: Reach out to

Duy reached out to them.

Agenda 5: Reach out to community

We did not get any contact from any community individual regarding to what we asked Leslie to help.