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The SAC will provide advice to STScI on interactions with the broader community, particularly with regard to the equitable release of all data products.They will not provide functional support for basic operations, but they will assist in the science verification on high-level science products generated by the CIT, including advice on potential program adjustments. They will therefore have limited access to high-level data products. 

SAC Membership

To establish continuity, three members of the Working Group have agreed to serve on the SAC:

Natasha Batalha (NASA Ames), Kevin France (Colorado) and Laura Kreidberg (MPIA).

The SAC membership will be representative, as far as is possible, of the broader exoplanet community, particularly spanning a range of institutional affiliations and career stages. Given the likely duration of the program, SAC membership is not open to graduate students but postdoctoral fellows will be considered. STScI will issue a call for nominations, including self-nominations, in late July 2024. Nominations should be submitted by email to and should include

    • The name of the nominee
    • The home institution
    • The career stage
    • A brief (1 paragraph) summary of technical & scientific expertise, including a statement of how they can contribute to the overall program

The submissions will be reviewed by the CIT Leads and the SAC, in consultation with the PAC. The deadline for submissions is August 15 (tbc). Once recruitment is complete the full membership will be published.

Policy Requirements


  • The program implementation will be designed to achieve the science goals articulated by the Working Group on Strategic Planet Initiatives
  • Any data products or analysis tools developed in the course of the SMEA program may not be used for personal research until they are made available to the general community.


  • SAC members may not participate in submitting any publications based on Exo DD observations until that dataset has been public for at least 1 week (tbc)
  • SAC members may participate in HST or JWST proposals or scientific publications based on, or supplementing, data taken for the SMEA program and/or enhanced data products associated with that program.
  • There is no restriction on SAC members receiving funding for programs associated with SMEA.


  • STScI staff working on the implementation team must clearly separate their functional work from any scientific research undertaken using these data or associated tools and data products.
  • CIT members may not participate in submitting any publications based on Exo DD observations until that dataset has been public for at least 1 week (tbc)
  • Members of the CIT may not serve as PIs on HST or JWST proposals that are associated directly with the SMEA programs. Those proposals include AR programs that aim to utilize SMEA data, Theory programs designed to support analysis of those data, or observing programs that aim to supplement the SMEA datasets.
  • Members of the CIT may participate as co-Is in HST or JWST proposals that are associated with the SMEA programs. They must inform the CIT lead of their involvement in those proposals and they may not apply for or receive grant funding if those proposals are accepted.