Complete this form to initiate the process of contributing a High Level Science Product collection to MAST. Do not submit this form if you wish to deliver updates or additions to an existing HLSP collection; see Updating an Existing Collection.

If you are thinking of creating an HLSP collection, but are not ready to submit this form, feel free to contact MAST ( to discuss your idea.

An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

Title of this HLSP collection

Acronym or single-word name for this collection. Hyphens are allowed, but underscores are not.

In a few sentences, please describe your collection.

Which types of data products will be included in the collection (check all that apply):

When do you expect to be ready to transfer your data collection to MAST?

(yyyy-mm-dd format preferred)

Is there an external event (e.g., publication of a paper or a press release) to which making this HLSP collection public in MAST should be tied? If so, please describe the constraint. 

Provide bibliographic information (including a link to ADS) for each refereed paper, one per line, that describes the HLSP collection, if any: 

Who is the Principal Investigator for this project?

PI full name

Institution of the PI

Enter a valid email address

Is there another person who will serve as the primary contact, if not the PI?

Name of alternate contact

Enter a valid email address

Provide the email address(es) of each member of the contributing team (including the PI/contact) who should receive a summary of this submission.

Enter addresses one at a time; press <Return> after each

Indicate your acceptance of the following terms for hosting this HLSP collection in MAST by ticking the checkbox below.

I and my collaborators (if any) are the creators of this HSLP collection, and I/we have the right to provide the collection to the Space Telescope Science Institute/Mikulski Archive at Space Telescope (MAST). We grant MAST license to repackage, redistribute freely to the community in any medium or form, and build services that act upon the data in this collection, subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This CC BY 4.0 license requires that users of these data products acknowledge the collection creators and MAST.

Note: agreeing to the above hosting and distribution terms is required for MAST to accept an HLSP data collection for archiving.

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