JWebbinar Science Platform
The Jwebbinar science platform is regularly used to teach classes on JWST data calibration, visualization, and analysis.
While the available software can change due to the needs of new classes, generally, it includes Python software such as:
- numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ...
- astropy, astroquery
- jwst (calibration s/w)
- jdaviz (data analysis and visualization)
Additional software is frequently installed on a per-class basis.
NOTE: Since it is frequently refurbished to support new classes without warning, continued use of Jwebbinar outside of class is not advised.
Login Link
Click on JWebbinar Science Platform to login to JWebbinar.
JWebbinar Documentation
More information on the software used for JWebbinar can be found here: JWST Calibration ReadTheDocs and JDaviz ReadTheDocs