Description: Contains metadata related to a difference image constructed by subtracting a stacked image from a single epoch image, or in the case of the MD Survey from a nightly stack (stack made from all exposures in a single filter in a single night). The astrometric calibration of the reference stack is listed.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
diffImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique difference identifier.
batchIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAInternal database batch identifier.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
diffTypeIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Difference type identifier. Details in the DiffType table.
frameIDdimensionlessINT4NAFrame/exposure identifier for the postitive image in warp-stack difference images; not populated for stack-stack differences.
posImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAImage identifier for the positive image. For warp-stack difference images, this corresponds to the ForcedWarpToImage.forcedWarpID entry. For stack-stack difference images, this corresponds to StackMeta.stackImageID.
negImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAImage identifier for the negative image. For warp-stack difference images, this corresponds to the StackMeta.stackImageID entry.
ippDiffIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP diffRun identifier.
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessTINYINT1255Skycell region identifier.
photoCalIDdimensionlessINT4NAPhotometric calibration identifier. Details in the PhotoCal table.
analysisVerdimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 IPP software analysis release version.
md5sumdimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 IPP MD5 Checksum.
detectionThresholdmagnitudesREAL4-999Reference magnitude for detection efficiency calculation.
expTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of positive image. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
psfModelIDdimensionlessINT4-999PSF model identifier.
psfFWHMarcsecREAL4-999Mean PSF full width at half maximum at image center.
psfWidMajorarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM at image center.
psfWidMinorarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM at image center.
psfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation at image center.
kerneldimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Subtraction kernel.
modedimensionlessTINYINT10Subtraction mode for which input to convolve.
numStampsdimensionlessINT4-999Number of stamps.
stampDevMeandimensionlessREAL4-999Mean stamp deviation.
stampDevRMSdimensionlessREAL4-999RMS stamp deviation.
convolveMaxdimensionlessREAL4-999Maxiumum convolution fraction.
deconvolveMaxdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum deconvolution fraction.
ctype1dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Name of astrometric projection in right ascension.
ctype2dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Name of astrometric projection in declination.
crval1degreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel.
crval2degreesFLOAT8-999Declination corresponding to reference pixel.
crpix1sky pixelsFLOAT8-999Reference pixel for right ascension.
crpix2sky pixelsFLOAT8-999Reference pixel for declination.
cdelt1degrees/pixelFLOAT8-999Pixel scale in right ascension.
cdelt2degrees/pixelFLOAT8-999Pixel scale in declination.
pc001001dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and right ascension.
pc001002dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and right ascension.
pc002001dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel x and declination.
pc002002dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between image pixel y and declination.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.

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