Description: Contains metadata related to an individual exposure. A "Frame" refers to the collection of all images obtained by the 60 OTA devices in the camera in a single exposure. The camera configuration, telescope pointing, observation time, and astrometric solution from the detector focal plane (L,M) to the sky (RA,Dec) is provided.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
frameIDdimensionlessINT4NAUnique frame/exposure identifier.
frameNamedimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32NAFrame/exposure name provided by the camera software.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
ippChipIDdimensionlessINT4NAIPP chipRun identifier.
ippCamIDdimensionlessINT4NAIPP camRun identifier.
ippWarpIDdimensionlessINT4NAIPP warpRun identifier.
cameraIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2NACamera identifier. Details in the CameraConfig table.
cameraConfigIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2NACamera configuration identifier. Details in the CameraConfig table.
telescopeIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2NATelescope identifier.
IPP software analysis release version.
IPP MD5 Checksum.
nOTAdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of valid OTA images in this frame/exposure.
photoScatmagnitudesREAL4-999Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog across the full field of view.
nPhotoRefdimensionlessINT4-999Number of photometric reference sources.
expStartdaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the start of the exposure.
expTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
airmassdimensionlessREAL40Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
raBoredegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of telescope boresight.
decBoredegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of telescope boresight.
Name of astrometric projection in right ascension.
Name of astrometric projection in declination.
crval1degreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel.
crval2degreesFLOAT8-999Declination corresponding to reference pixel.
crpix1focal plane pixelsFLOAT8-999Reference pixel for right ascension.
crpix2focal plane pixelsFLOAT8-999Reference pixel for declination.
cdelt1degrees/pixelFLOAT8-999Pixel scale in right ascension.
cdelt2degrees/pixelFLOAT8-999Pixel scale in declination.
pc001001dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel L and right ascension.
pc001002dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel M and right ascension.
pc002001dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel L and declination.
pc002002dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel M and declination.
polyOrderdimensionlessTINYINT1255Polynomial order of astrometric fit between the detector focal plane and the sky.
pca1x3y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for right ascension.
pca1x2y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for right ascension.
pca1x1y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for right ascension.
pca1x0y3dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for right ascension.
pca1x2y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for right ascension.
pca1x1y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for right ascension.
pca1x0y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for right ascension.
pca2x3y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for declination.
pca2x2y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for declination.
pca2x1y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for declination.
pca2x0y3dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for declination.
pca2x2y0dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for declination.
pca2x1y1dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for declination.
pca2x0y2dimensionlessFLOAT8-999Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for declination.
batchIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAInternal database batch identifier.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.

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