Description: Contains metadata related to an individual exposure. A "Frame" refers to the collection of all images obtained by the 60 OTA devices in the camera in a single exposure. The camera configuration, telescope pointing, observation time, and astrometric solution from the detector focal plane (L,M) to the sky (RA,Dec) is provided. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description frameID dimensionless INT 4 NA Unique frame/exposure identifier. frameName dimensionless VARCHAR(32) 32 NA Frame/exposure name provided by the camera software. surveyID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. filterID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. ippChipID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP chipRun identifier. ippCamID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP camRun identifier. ippWarpID dimensionless INT 4 NA IPP warpRun identifier. cameraID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA Camera identifier. Details in the CameraConfig table. cameraConfigID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA Camera configuration identifier. Details in the CameraConfig table. telescopeID dimensionless SMALLINT 2 NA Telescope identifier. analysisVer dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP software analysis release version. md5sum dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 IPP MD5 Checksum. nOTA dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Number of valid OTA images in this frame/exposure. photoScat magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Photometric scatter relative to reference catalog across the full field of view. nPhotoRef dimensionless INT 4 -999 Number of photometric reference sources. expStart days FLOAT 8 -999 Modified Julian Date at the start of the exposure. expTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. airmass dimensionless REAL 4 0 Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. raBore degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension of telescope boresight. decBore degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination of telescope boresight. ctype1 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in right ascension. ctype2 dimensionless VARCHAR(100) 100 Name of astrometric projection in declination. crval1 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Right ascension corresponding to reference pixel. crval2 degrees FLOAT 8 -999 Declination corresponding to reference pixel. crpix1 focal plane pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for right ascension. crpix2 focal plane pixels FLOAT 8 -999 Reference pixel for declination. cdelt1 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in right ascension. cdelt2 degrees/pixel FLOAT 8 -999 Pixel scale in declination. pc001001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel L and right ascension. pc001002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel M and right ascension. pc002001 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel L and declination. pc002002 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Linear transformation matrix element between focal plane pixel M and declination. polyOrder dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Polynomial order of astrometric fit between the detector focal plane and the sky. pca1x3y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for right ascension. pca1x2y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for right ascension. pca1x1y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for right ascension. pca1x0y3 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for right ascension. pca1x2y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for right ascension. pca1x1y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for right ascension. pca1x0y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for right ascension. pca2x3y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^3 y^0) for declination. pca2x2y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^1) for declination. pca2x1y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^2) for declination. pca2x0y3 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^3) for declination. pca2x2y0 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^2 y^0) for declination. pca2x1y1 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^1 y^1) for declination. pca2x0y2 dimensionless FLOAT 8 -999 Polynomial coefficient for the astrometric fit component (x^0 y^2) for declination. batchID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Internal database batch identifier. processingVersion dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Data release version.